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\n by Linefeed

linefeed demo

This is our first production, it was released at midwinter 00, umeå,sweden. It didn't win :)
The source for the demo will be released.  (Sawteeth source will be released when editor is finished == later)

Sound:	Sawteeth softsynth for SID-feel sound.
Graphics:	We used 8bits to be able to have CLUT:s for everything.

Coded by Hydri <arvid@iname.com>
Music, Graphics, Sound generation and more by Spruce <jn@earthling.net>

We have left all data as individual files for you to play width.

suffix	data format:
bg-		raw 8-bit bitmap 640x400, uses any of the palette files
tex-		raw 8-bit bitmap 512x512, uses any of the palette files, is used as textures
env-		raw 8-bit bitmap 512x512, uses any of the palette files, is used as an environment map
wipe-		raw 8-bit grayscale bitmap 640x400, used for wipes
clut-		a color lookup table 256x256, applies different effects to the colors
iclut		a color lookup table 256x256, one axis for the palette and one axis for intensity
pal-		a palette, stored as 256 (r,g,b) tripples, where r, g and b are one byte each.
obj-		a lightwave object (only 3-polys)
table-		a table of uint32's stored as BIG ENDIAN, used for zoom-effect (pretty lame to not precalc this)

The "Spruce - ComicFakery.NNN" file contains music and syncronisation data. (Contains cover of Comic Bakery by Martin Galway), for more information on  (and sounds from) SawTeeth see: 

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