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maze 4k by Tube27

*******Rush Hours'98******RUsh HoURs'98*****ruSH hOuRs'98*****rush hours'98***
 ;$$Y'''  `Y$ba,                                                          
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			   (especially Khamoon)

                              Y'     `Y$'
			M...A....  d$' ..... E
                       .,a 4kb intro made by Khamoon,.

│	I hope it is the last production designed, written, and authorized
│  only by Khamoon. He promised to bewitch some BIG production with our help.
│  For now, Tihocan draws some Manga pictures, and I work at my oriental tune
│  for music compo. In fact, this is our first party, on which we present 
│  anything, so please, be lenient !
│  Our group was founded by Tihocan and Khamoon some time ago (1996). I joined 
│  in Juni 97. We look for graphicans, and maybe swappers.
   MEMBERSs,.:    │
│   KhamOOn..........main coder
│   TihoCan..........coder,musician,graphican(MANGA)
│   GuRu.............musican, graphican,(soon coder...I hope)
│   because we are begginers, we don't know many people from the scene,
│   but everyone of us wants to kick some greets to people we know 
│   (but they don't know us :-)) )
│   	  Greetz to all members of HellCOre(R.I.P) (Evviva Katharsis!) 
│	  especially :
│         Revisq: your music from NAP is really coool! 
│	  Mrock : ave to the master of tunels!
│	  and to everyone mad about scene!
│	Not many yet , but soon expect real flood of our great productions!
│	For now it's :
│		ultra......256b intro on RushHours'98  
│		satin......one more 256b on the same party
│		maze.......4kb intro , same party too
│		assssss....multi channel music , you know what party
│	Khamoon : pryku@hotmail.com
│		  Motorowa 2/120 04-035 Warsaw , Poland
│		  (048) 0-22 6736529
│	Tihocan : airzielu@hotmail.com
  that's all folks!!! │
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