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Ping! by Spellcasters

                           :                           o
                     ______/\_/\______/\_____/\__  /\__:
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           _____/\__/\_    ______/\__/\_____/\___________|\_  ______/|_  |
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      _/   | : //    |   .\  |   \_/.    \\        \_ |.   \_   | . \_   |
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        |/          :          \/                |/     \/\/      |/
        :           .                            .                :
        .                                                         .
┌─┐     o                                                         .         ┌─┐
│ │                                                                         │ │
  │                                                                         │
  ■                     ·∙■ SPELLCASTERS INFO-FILE ■∙·                      ■
  ∙                                                                         ∙
  ·                            Version 0.04ß                                ·
  ∙                                                                         ∙
  ■                              08.02.1995                                 ■
  │                                                                         │
│ │                                                                         │ │
└─┘                                                                         └─┘

    - About this file...                                      │
    - What the heck is SC?!? (Introduction to SpellCastersity)│
    - The Ones Who Made This Possible (Member List)           │
    - Earlier Releases                                        │
    - Getting Novice (Wanna join us?)                         │
    - How to contact us                                       │
┌──┘About this file...
    This file is made for the ones who don't know what the SC really is and│
  for the ones who even don't know that there is a group called it. This   │
  product is official SpellCasters product and there haven't been made any │
  animal tests during the buildage of this fabulous file. This is freeware │
  and you can copy this free as long as you don't change anything of it.   │
  And remember:                                                            │
    │ Okey.. let's get dangerous.
┌──┘What the heck is SC?!? (Introduction to SpellCastersity)
    SpellCasters is a group that borned in summer 1994. You can call us a     │
  demo-group as we do or you can call us mega-cyber-genius-hyper-virtual-group│
  as many do. We make many cool things like demos, intros, musics, graphics,  │
  info-files etc. As you can see we are nowadays in many different sector of  │
  software (not only!) production. But there is a rule in our group that      │
  anything we do, we do it with a style. As you may have noticed.             │
    We program in many various languages like assembler, Pascal (our favorite │
  toy language), C and so on. As you can see we are true software gurus. So   │
  we don't need any lame comments from lamers.                                │
    Our graphicians and musicians are state-of-the-art dudes. And they can    │
  make soo fabulous things that you have never seen/heard cooler ones.        │
    So now you maybe understood how good we are. So let's go on with this     │
  magnificent file.                                                           │
┌──┘The Ones Who Made This Possible (Member List)
Alias:     ║True name:         ║Job:                      │
───────────╫───────────────────╫──────────────────────■∙· │
Cosmo      ║Janne Valtanen     ║PR, Coding, GFX, muzax    │
Barx       ║Jyrki Huusko       ║GFX, muzax                │
D-Row      ║Tero Huttunen      ║Main Coding               │
           ╙────■∙·            ╙────■∙·                   │
┌──┘Earlier Releases
Name:             ║Zip name:   ║Size:     ║Date of release      │
──────────────────╫────────────╫──────────╫─────────────────■∙· │
Ping! (intro)     ║sc_ping!.zip║     20653║02.07.1995           │
                  ╙─────■∙·    ╙─────■∙·  ╙────■∙·              │
┌──┘Getting Novice (Wanna join us?)
    As far as we are so marvellous group we need some fresh blood. So if you │
  talented artist are code wizard and want to join us please fill our joinage│
  form and send it us through e-mail or snail-mail. And please send us some  │
  of your products.                                                          │
┌──┘How to Contact Us
    CoSMo                    ║ D-Row                   ║ BaRX
                             ║                         ║
    Through e-mail:          ║ Through e-mail:         ║ Through e-mail:
    waldemar@freenet.hut.fi  ║ tehuttun@freenet.hut.fi ║ barx@internet.nil
                             ║                         ║
    Through snail-mail:      ║ Through snail-mail:     ║ Through snail-mail:
    Soidinkuja 4a2           ║ Soidinkatu 9c17         ║ Soidinkatu 22b11
    87500 Kajaani            ║ 87500 Kajaani           ║ 87500 Kajaani
    Finland                  ║ Finland                 ║ Finland
                             ║                         ║
    For:                     ║ For:                    ║ For:
    Mail swapping, joining   ║ fan post                ║ fun, fan and business
                             ╙────■∙·                  ╙───■∙·
<*** End of Life ***>
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