Joyride by Cobra Creations
ÜÜÜÛÛ a cobra creations creation ÛÛÛ Ûßßß ÜÜÜÜ ÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÛÛ ÜÛÛÛÜ ÛÛÛ Ü ÛÛÛÜÛßßÛÛÝßß ÜÜÜÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜ Þ ÛÛÛß ÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÞÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ Û ÛÛß ÛÛÛ ßÛÜ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ Û ßßÛ ÞÛ ÛÛÛ Þ ÜÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ÛÛÛ ßßÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÜÛÛÛ ÜÛÛ ÜÛ Û ÛÛÛÜÜÜ ÛÛ ³° ³ (c) CoC ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÜÛÛ ÜÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛßßßß a.d 1995 ³° ³ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÜÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÜ ÛÛÛ ³° ³ ÛÛÛÛ ßÛÛßß Û ßß ÞÛÛÛÛÜ ßßßßÛÛ ßßÛÛÛßßÛ ³° ³ ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ Þ ßß Þ ³° ³ Û ÛÛÛÛ ³° ³ ß Û ³° ³ ³° ³ ³° ³ JOYRIDE is a demo by Cobra Creations, released to the public at ³° ³ Juhla'95 - 2nd gear -democompo, held in Iisalmi, Finland. ³° ³ ³° ³ JOYRIDE is the second demo ever released by Cobra Creations. ³° ³ The first was Wicked Lenses, and the next.. uhm, err.. who knows. ³° ³ ³° ³ ³° ³ A bit about the demo. As usually, the coders are just sick and ³° ³ tired with it, so there just might be some bugs. Varanus also says ³° ³ that SB-support might not work 100% since he owns a GUS - but heck, ³° ³ it worked with my SBPro.. The demo is in PMode/W (by Tran&Daredevil) - ³° ³ no 286-users, sorry. The demo has _massive_ or badly optimized effects ³° ³ - you guys with lesser than 486: uh-oh.. It should work, though :) ³° ³ ³° ³ ³° ³ Ohwell, anyway. The demo came 5th at the compo (yes, now I know ³° ³ since I have already seen the results.) ³° ³ ³° ³ ³° ³ The demo was made by the following people: ³° ³ ³° ³ Gila 3D-engine & polyfillers ³° ³ Voxel routine at the end ³° ³ ³° ³ Guardian Ansi/Ascii-graphics ³° ³° ³ Demo loader ³° ³ Fonts of the end scroller and the zoomer ³° ³ Art direction ³° ³ Organising, text-files and stuff ³° ³ ³° ³ Varanus Some 3D-engine-coding & polyfillers ³° ³ The rest of the code ³° ³ 3D-meshes and rendered pictures ³° ³ Texts at the beginning and the "page corner CoC" ³° ³ Main art direction ³° ³ Some gfx ³° ³ ³° ³ Wyze Music ³° ³ ³° ³ T/ZQ Cobra Creations -logo ³° ³ Shark (in sea-effect) ³° ³ Zombie (in tunnel) ³° ³ Both skys (in sea & voxelscroller) ³° ³ ³° ³ ³° ³ C.O.B.R.A. Creations ³° ³ Concentrated On Building Really Awesome Creations ³° ³ ³° ³ PS. Varanus admits his massive laziness because the texture routine ³° ³ of the tunnel-effect is coded in pure C++ (No asm parts! A good ³° ³ thing, though, is that Watcom C++ optimizes the code quite well.) ³° ³ But, seriously, the main reason for C-ing was the lack of time.. ³° ³ Please, don't bite him :) ³° ³ ³° ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
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