android by fresh!mindworkz [web]
"android" pc-64k intro by fresh!mindworkz, released at marast'05, czech republic Technical Info: Known bugs: - Win95/98/ME not supported, so maybe it works, maybe not. - This intro is a fast "afterwork" production, don't expect to much - Sorry for the long precalc time, we had no time to speedoptimize Windows: Needs an OpenGL 1.2 compatible videocard (with 64mb of ram) and a standard dsound soundcard. Should run without hardware t&l also... Windows bugreports: Linux: The linux version is bigger than 64k, because it must emulate the fontsystem of windows, and we must static link a library to be compatible with debain More info later, in final version... Linux bugreports: This demonstration made with GPL or freeware modules/compilers. If this version crashes, please report (it should work fine with nVidia GeForce or Ati Radeon cards). Tested with: P4/2.8/x600XT (WinXP SP2) XP2000+/FX5600 (WinXP SP1) XP2000+/GeForce3 Ti200 (Slackware) Credits: code: pasy,pontscho,remage music: just 3D: csirke,mike gfx: toky,pasy musicplayer: firelight technologies Contact: E-mail: Homepage: 2005/04/09
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