the mARTian attack (if05 invdemo) by The Lords Of The Bits [web]
Incoming transmission... No leechers! No gamers! No lunix or h4xX0r! 100% scener party which definitely needs our ART! featuring - separated party place and sleeping area - big screen + big speakers - ultimate dj+vj gigs - scene talks & chats - lots of demoshows - comfortable soffas and trendy chairs - cleanest showers ever - green areas - semitropical weather - external party submissions mARTians! Use your ARTscenic weapons to gain control! We together can make Art rule the world! doo. ,oP""8o. _,o__ ,_______o YPP' d8P PPbdP' 'Yb. dPPP8PPPP 88[ d8P Y8b 8 (the 6th edition) _,p _d88booou88[ `88.,8 `"Y88[ ''88['''788[ 88bdPP88ooo. April 15-17th Valencia (Spain) 88[ 88[ d88[ 88b `Y88. 88[ 88[ ]88[ 88P Y88 88[ 88[ Y8b J88,__ d88 88[ 88[ Y8. ,88'88P ,8P' ==PPP=p==PPP=p> `Y=oo=P' `YPooo=P"' _,oo. _,oooooo._ ,oo._ d88``8b.,d8PZ8'`Y8Y8bood8['88. `Y" ,8888P',8' 8[ `Y8888.`" YPP'' dP db `'' _oooo. Yb db ,ooo._ ,8'' _ `8.`8. ,8' oP'[ 'Yb ,8 ]88,8' `8.,8' `8b88 8[ 8o88p`"' d88L `"'bd8Ld8 Y888oooop=P"YP"Yoo._J888PP ''', 8b [`''' o88' ,888b_ Y8b. ,88odP'dPY.Y8od88[ ""' d8 '8. `""" Y888P'
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