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Carstryker by Codemonkz [web] & John Trapolka Memorial Krew

                   __                              __ 
    .----.-----.--|  |.-----.--------.-----.-----.|  |--.-----.
    |  __|  _  |  _  ||  -__|        |  _  |     ||    <|-- __|

                            _ _  _ _  _/ _
                         /)/ (-_) (-/)/_)

 _________             ____________       ___________
 __  ____/_____ _________  ___/_  /__________(_)__  /______________
 _  /    _  __ -/_  ___/____ \_  __/_  ___/_  /__  //_/  _ \_  ___/
 / /___  / /_/ /_  /   ____/ // /_ _  /   _  / _  //  /  __/  /
 \____/  \____/ /_/    /____/ \__/ /_/    /_/  /_/|_| \___//_/
                        -= a game in 84kb =-
      (The incredible result of 1 month hardcore coding session)
   (Very special thanks to Fillbert for using his home for that Time!)

Minimum Requirements:    (without music)
                        - 1,4 GHz machine
                        - OpenGL-capable GFX-Card (higher or equal to GeForce2)
                        - Lan-/Internetaccess

The Codemonkz are : 
                        - Pap,      Code         (apc_pap(at)gmx(dot)org)
                        - Fillbert, Code         (fillbert(at)creative-mind(dot)org)
                        - Starbuck, Music        (starbuck(at)creative-mind(dot)org)

grab more info at: [ http://www.creative-mind.org ]

--------------------- (C)2005 Codemonkz -----------------------
This game is Freeware. You are allowed to copy it and also
to offer it for download, as long as it's offered free of 
charge (this includes membership-, dialer- etc. restrictions).
If you want to distribute it (e.g. on CD or something, you are
required to ask for a written permission by the authors. Just
contact us via E-Mail).
- Released at Breakpoint'05 (http://breakpoint.untergrund.net)-
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