Pac 32k by Crew 99 [web]
<<<---------------------------------------------------------------------->>> p a c 3 2 K - 1.2 - <<<---------------------------------------------------------------------->>> cOdE/gFx kts mUsIc Eiswuxe Thanks for downloading pac32k. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +------------------- | | | This should be the final version of pac32k. That means, if not a really | serious bug occurs this will be the last build. There are still some | minor bugs present, but the code grew through the years. I wrote the | basic game of pac32k in summer 2002, rewrote about half of the game in | summer 2003 and fixed the major bugs now at the end of 2004. | There is still a lot of room for improvements, but everything has come to an end. | | | I decided to switch to 32bit color depth due the heavy use of alpha | blending. It just looked ugly with 16bit on a 19' flatscreen. | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C H A N G E S +------------------- | | | Fixes: | | - game crashed somethimes with music enabled | | | Improvements: | | - 32bit color depth (before 16bit) | - ingame sound | - increased performance | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- F A Q ------------------- | | | Q: The game is slow like hell!!! | | A: A CPU with 500 MHz and a decent graphic adapter (GeForce-class) | are highly recommended. | | | | Q: I can't start the game! | | A: Unfortunately the game won't run on Windows 95/98/ME. | | | | Q: Uh! There are some black walls. | | A: If you start on a new stage and some parts are black from | the beginning where you suggest a wall, so update your | graphic card driver. I have seen this problem only at a Geforce2MX with | an old driver. | | | | Q: Pacman is looking ugly. Hope you haven't payed for the graphics! | | A: Raise your graphic settings in your driver setup. Especially optimized | filter settings will cause some artefacts on the sprites. | | | | Q: What can I do to get an even better quality? | | A: For maximum output quality raise your graphic options to highest | quality and enable FSAA (Fullscreen Antialiasing) in your driver | settings (e.g. 4X FSAA or more). | | | | Q: Why is pac32k so tiny? | | A: I just wanted to squeeze everything in 32k. | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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