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Hypodermik by Creative Impact [web]


                       -  h  y  p  o  d  e  r  m  i  k -

                            a first production by

                              Creative Impact

                      Released at the Coma '99 Demo Party
                              June 5th , 1999
                         - Montreal, Quebec, Canada -

           Legal Notice │

       This demo is free to spread and copy as much as you want only if
       you distribute the original package and do not charge any money for it.

       This demo as been tested on many computers and we found not to cause
       any kind of damage to hardware or any kind of data loss. If however
       something bad happens while you are running HYPODERMIK, Creative Impact
       takes no responsibility for any data loss or damage to your computer.
       Use this program at your own risk.

       The demo datafiles are copyright by Creative Impact, midas sound system
       is copyright Housemarque Inc. 

    System requirements │

       Minimum requirements

       - Pentium 166 Mhz (A Pentium II is a must if you have the Party version)
       - 8 Meg RAM
       - Soundcard (SoundBlaster, UltraSound, PAS, WSS, or compatible)
       - VESA 2.0 LFB 
       - 320x200x16bit


       - Pentium II 233  Mhz or higher
       - 16 Meg RAM or higher
       - Soundcard (SoundBlaster, UltraSound, PAS, WSS, or compatible)
       - VESA 2.0 LFB
       - 320x200x16bit

       If you are experiencing problems with your video card, consider
       downloading display doctor at:

       This software enables VESA 2.0 LFB modes and support hypodermik

                Credits │

        = CODE            Krashlog - raycasting free directional sky -
                                   - realtime raytracing - bump mapping &
                                     morphing - alphablended rotozoom -
                                     free directional tunnel - metaparticles &
                                     feedback - credit part - endpart

                          Stryker  - intro particle system - water effect -
                                   - 3d world - dream2d (2d rendering system)
                                   - reality3d (3d rendering system)
                                   - 2d/3d editing tools - 3d level editor
                                   - the nfo file (what you are reading now)

        = MUSIC      Jozef Lahoud  - floating.XM (remix version)

          Group history │

        Hypodermik released at Coma 99 Demo party             Rank ?

              Web sites │

               Krashlog     <> Coding tutorials and docs in French.<>
               URL: http://pages.infinit.net/shaun/                
               Stryker      <> Official Creative Impact website    <>
               URL: http://pages.infinit.net/pcdesign/creative.impact/home.htm

               Jozef Lahoud <> Techno Productions by Jozef Lahoud  <>
               URL: http://hem2.passagen.se/jozef71/


             Contact us │

             [ Stryker ]
             Jonathan Villani
             Email: jonathan.villani@videotron.ca

             [ Krashlog ]
             Shaun Doré
             Email: dores@videotron.ca

             Jozef Lahoud
             Email: jozef71@hem2.passagen.se

             [ Furious ]
             Jean-François Jouvin
             Email: jf@kaosmag.com

                 Greets │

      Creative Impact would like to greet the following people,
      in no particular order:

      - DJ Delorie and the rest of the DJGPP team.
      - S2 team for providing the Midas Soundsystem
      - Suboptical - Orange Juice - TBL - Doomsday - Calodox - Noice
      - And of course - the organisers of the Coma'99 demoparty

      <> Stryker greets <>

      - Jozef Lahoud (Real big thanks for your help, man you are cool!)
      - Jérôme St-Louis (Big thanks for your 3d tutorials)
      - Julien Bolduc (I Hope to team up with you in future productions)
      - Benoit Poirier & Cindy (Thanks for your support!) 
      - Jean-Sébastien Noël - Frédéric St-Louis  (thanks for showing me demos,
        willing to work with me for multimedia projects?)
      - Daphnée St-Louis (Big thanks for your support!)
      - Nani Thirakul (hope you love our first production, too bad you didn't
        see it at the party and continue with me my projects) xxx
      - Pascal Turcotte - Isabelle Jean (thanks for helping me)
      - Carsten S¢rensen (Thanks for your G200 VBE driver!)
      - and all the rest of my friends...

      <> Krashlog greets <>

      - Jozef Lahoud (i know Stryker already said it, but THANKS!!! )
      - Martin Chaput (so long and thanks for all the beer!)
      - RoadKill (stop hacking and start democoding ;-)
      - Dake/Calodox (for helping me start out in asm)
      - Fur∩ous (too bad IT support aint working in MIDAS :-(
      - Jonathan Lessard (for organizing a demoparty here in Montreal)
      - BlackAxe / KoLOr (great tut on free-direction rendering)
      - Marie-Soleil (for your love and support)
      - Eric Lazure (ok now i can run!)
      - all authors of great coding docs out there...      

           Closing word │

      Hope you had the same fun watching this demo that we had making it.
      Comments or suggestions are welcome. If you require a multimedia project,
      we might be the one for you. Simply contact us.

                                             - The Creative Impact Team
                                                         June 4th, 1999

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