world of manga II by Insomnya & Koga Design
__._____:____:___.__ ___________.______ (__) | _| | \/ | | | | \ | | | |\_ \ | | .. | | |___ | \ |__|__|__|____|___|__||__|__|__|_____|__\__\ >------------------------------------crier-< presents W O R L D oF M A N G A II --------(KoGa DeSiGn PrOdUcTiOn)-------- Coding: Batblaster Gfx: Crier & Ghost Music: Mtv Slide Music: Sirio * We are looking for a producer/distributor for our game 'HYSTERIA' * * Interested companies/software houses write to: * * Insomnya Design * * C.P. 176 - 80072 Arco Felice (NA) ITALY *
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