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Uridium by Volgut + Traymuss + Diodak + Potworeq

         +---//       (________)     ------------+//
         |             ________
      _______  ________\      /_____ ___0__________  ________
     /   |  /__\      /_\    /      \\     /   |  /__\      /_
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    \\_______//___\/____\\\/ |______/xx\ /\\_______//___\/___ l
         |                                        |       bNR.l0P2k4
        -|------- ------  uridium   --------------i


    [ .code.design. ]
        tomasz "volgut" przechodzki .......  volgut@friko.onet.pl

    [ .music. ]
        remigiusz "traymuss" trzcionka ........... traymuss@wp.pl

    [ .2d graphics. ]
        mateusz "diodak" janik ................... mjdiodak@o2.pl

    [ .3d graphics.textures. ]
        sebastian "potworeq" tworek ....... potworeq@strefa81.com


   - win32 operating system
   - pII 400Mhz
   - directx 9
   - good video card (vertex shader is used)
   - 128MB RAM
   - the best resolution is 1024x768x32bpp
   - use hardware vertex processing (if available)


   space ship from 2nd scene was taken from www.3dtotal.com

                         [ Symphony 2004 ]
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