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STNICCC2000 Demo by Oxygene [web]

                  ST-NICCC Demo
           Another ST demo by Oxygene !

The ST-NICCC demo was made for the ATARI/FALCON competition.
This is not a FALCON demo because we don't have FALCON ! :-)
(If you want to send us your FALCON, we're agree)

System requirement
The demo needs at least an ATARI 1040 STF, but you need an
ATARI 1040 STE if you want music. (Digital sound is the only
STE specific feature we use in that demo, we use no blitter)

We made the demo in two weeks, by working very hard after
our job !

GFX (2d and 3d movie).......................Mon / OXYGENE
Music....................................Laxity / Kefrens
Main coding (PC and ST)...... ..........Leonard / OXYGENE
STE 50Khz Music player..............................Lance

Technical notes:
The main code consist of the PC scene optimizer, creating
a low bandwidth stream. That stream is then played on the
ATARI with our fast 4bp polygone routine.
I would like to greet Lance for the sound routine. That's
the fastest (and best quality) play code I've ever seen.
It takes about 30% of CPU time but this is REALLY 50Khz.

We use our OXYGENE low bandwidth stream technic, allowing
us to display 3d scene on little CPU such as ATARI ST or
GameBoy Advanced.

The movie is 4 minutes long and contains 3757 sides, 2162
vertices and 117 colors. The demo runs on a single 720Kb
disk. If you're a lucky STE owner, you have a 50Khz 
digital sound during the movie.

Special Thanks:
Zappy: I use your ZCB 3ds-max exporter plugin, cool job !
M-Coder: I always use you LZH depacking routine ! :-)
Anne for being so cool during these two *hard* weeks !

Do you see all of our demos ?

1990 Genius Demo................................Megademo
1991 O-Demo.....................................Megademo
1992 Calimer-o-demo...........................Multi-part
1993 Flipo-Demo...............................Multi-part
1999 Nostalgic-o-demo...........................Megademo
2000 ST-NICCC Demo.............................Multipart

1993 Cuzco....................................Multi-part
1994 Indigo...................................Multi-part
1995 ADN......................................Multi-part
1995 Vision...................................Multi-part
1996 Control..................................Multi-part

1997 Contrast.................................Multi-part
1998 Solex....................................Multi-part

Other Oxygene members: Lester, Oxbab, Spiral, Sun Stark
And my friends: Mr.Bee, DIM, Ziggy, Ben, Klaudius,
James Boulton, Frederic Gidouin, Keops

Enjoy the ST-NICCC Demo !!

Leonard / OXYGENE, on 10 December 2000.
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