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disney magical quest 3 +10 by AGES

      Q  .|                                                     |.  . 
      U| :|     _____/\    ______/\   ______/\     _____/\_     |: |.    
      A| :|    /       \  /        \_/        \___/  _____/__   |: |.       
      L| :| __/    |    \/     .___       _______________    \_ |: |.  
      I| :| \            \     |   \      _/            /     / |: |P
      T| :|  \     |      \         \           _            /  |: |R 
      Y| :|   \____|          _______\  _______/ \________  /   |: |I
      .| :| .::::::|         /::::::::\/::::::::::::::::::\/::. |: |D
      .| :|        |________/ [ aGES pRESENTS ]                 |: |E
    .__| .|_____________________________________________________|. |__. 
    |  | .|                                                     |. |  |
.___|__| .|sYn__________________________________________________|. |__|___. 
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     [ - rELEASE dETAILS - ] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 

     oRIGINAL rOM tITLE : Disneys_Magical_Quest_3_Multi3_EUR_GBA-RS 
          tRAINER tITLE : Disneys_Magical_Quest_3_Plus_10_Trainer-AGES 
                 aUTHOR : .:[Syn54]:.  
              cOUNTRY   : EUR/Multi3 
              tYPE      : Trainer
              fILE nAME : AGS-DQT.ZIP          
              dATE      : 04-05-04
              oPTIONS   : 10                       
              fORMAT    : IPS
     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ - rELEASE dETAILS - ]    

     [ - rELEASE nOTES - ]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

     ::Trainer Options::.

     1.  Infinite Lives
     2.  Infinite Energy
     3.  Invinsible
     4.  Infinite Coins     
     5.  Enable All Costumes   
     6.  Super Jump            Press A + B       <-ingame 
     7.  infinite Super Power
     8.  Easy Kill Bosses 
     9.  Freeze Enemies        Press Select + A  <-ingame  
     10. Level Skip            Press Select + B  <-ingame

     ::Trainer Notes::.

     NoTE!! Rising Sun managed to fuckup their easy boss kill option on the
            jap version.. if they had tested past the first level boss they
            would have caught it.. ah well.. 

     NoTE!! Rising Sun also missed out the level skip option in their jap
            trainer.. its here for u.

     option 6 - Super Jump

     This option is great for finding secret places and general level 
     completion.. you dont need to be on the ground to jump.. you can
     jump and then jump again to go higher.. actually u can just fly
     along the level in the sky if u like.

     option 9 - Freeze Enemy.

     You can enable and disable this ingame with select + A.. if u use this
     option and find that u are stuck in the game ur most likely waiting 
     for a BOSS to come onto the screen that cant move.. just disable the
     option before fighting any bosses and enable it while they are on the
     screen.. this options stops EVERYTHING!! apart from u moving even
     enemu projectiles so have fun!!

     option 10 - Level Skip

     As i mentioned above Rising sun failed to put this in their trainer for
     the jap version so here it is for u.. this level skip actually skips u
     through all stages all the way to the end boss.. the reason i gues no
     level skip was made is because this game uses a slightly different 
     method of switching levels.. it takes a value from a table situated in
     ROM and then triggers the level skip.. the corresponding table entry
     is used to tell the game which level to skip to.. i just skip through
     every value in that table.. enjoy..

     NOTE.. DONT!! skip level while freeze enemies is activated.. there is
     one level that needs u to walk into the start of the level.


     Its nice and easy to sit and pick apart other peoples work and then 
     perhaps proper what they have done.. This isnt my intent on this 
     GBA adventure im on.. 

     I hope to bring a little life to the GBA SCENE!! if this means 
     insulting a few people to get them to step up to the challenge then
     thats what i will do.. but just remember.. if there are no mistakes
     i have no ammo!!..            


     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ - rELEASE nOTES - ]

    |  |              "TO BE THIS GOOD TAKES AGES :)"              |  |
|   |                                                                 |   |
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