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The Snowtro Xmas Demo by Reservoir Gods [web]


                          R E S E R V O I R   G O D S


                           - THE SNOWTRO XMAS DEMO -


Christmas comes but once a year, unless  you are an intergalactic time traveller
in which case you may have  multiple  Christmases  or  indeed none! You may also
choose to celebrate  periodic  Alien  festivals  where  banana  shaped fruit are
sacrificed to appease the great god of self assembly furniture.

Here on earth matters are more  simple.  On  December 256th a very special child
was born who went on to change the course of history. His name was Nolan Bushell
and he invented Atari.

He is celebrated every year in the form of Christmas demos which usually consist
of a slideshow  of  'Christmas  Scenes'  accompanied  by  tracker  renditions of
popular carols. These demos are loved by all, but mainly coders because they are
a piece of piss to create.

We decided to throw the xmas demo  rule  book  out of the window, mainly because
MSG's scanner broke and Ripley was unwilling to draw Christmas scenes on a ropey
old TV. But we bring vitality to the stale world of intros with:

o Dynamically modelled meteorological accurate weather effects!
o New, improved comedy crackers!
o Three Dimensional Christmas greeting logo!
o Free toys!
o Christmas jokes!
o "it will soon be summer" rainbow coloured scroller!
o Carefully distorted samples.
o Festive flashes!


Relive the joy and excitement  of  Christmas  Crackers  with the Reservoir Gods'
unique Christmas Cracker emulator! Tired  of  spending  thousands of pounds on a
box of crackers from Woolworths? Fed up  with  the  mess left on the floor by an
extensive pulling session?  Embarrassed  by  paper  party  hats?  Then  all your
worries are over!

The RG Christmas Cracker is yours  for  free  and  gives you a different toy and
different joke every time you load it! It really is Christmas-tastic!

( NB: please remove all pets from room when watching the demo as they will panic
when hearing the realistic explosion. )


Encore une fois! ( That means hello, non Greek speakers! )
People are always asking me how I have so much fun at Christmas!
Here's what you need for maximum festive fun:

 8 planks of wood
 2 Jif squeezy lemons
 IKEA self assembly carpet mincer
 Sash! The Album
 Inflatable Elephant
 Sash! The Boardgame
 MC Hammer flavour crisps

First, take the planks of wood and nail them over your doors and window.
This is to stop the people who  shout  "Sash!  is  a wanker! We're going to kill
you!" from coming in and opening doors on your advent calendar.

Next study the IKEA carpet mincer documents. They make quite an interesting tale
with lots of diagrams of boxes with  arrows pointing out in all directions. Like
those coding articles in Maggie. You  now  have a fascinating piece of knowledge
that you can use to your advantage during chatting time at the Christmas party.

Take the two Jif squeezy  lemons  and  sellotape  them  to your chest. See, fake
breasts! Ha ha ha ha! And they say us Germans have no sense of humour! For extra
comedy value, you may fill them with milk.

Next put on Sash! The Album and  decide  which  of  the ten mixes of "Encore Une
Fois!" you like best. If you can't  decide,  then use the random feature on your
CD player. Next press repeat and fool  people  into thinking you are playing the
whole albums when in fact  you  are  just  playing  the  same song over and over

Cover your face with the inflatable elephant and laugh at their stupidity.

Its time for the  real  fun  to  begin,  so  bring  out  your  copy of Sash! The
Boardgame. Bet on yourself to win, and then cheat by:

 + Making sure you start on the Green square ( The potato shop )
 + Buying all the Norwegian underwear as soon at is available.
 + Avoiding the "Make New Tune" square.
 + Attacking weak opponents with the Terry Wogan counters.
 + Stealing the Faithless "Tune" card before you begin!

Celebrate your victory by eating the MC Hammer flavour crisps!

Encore une fois!


o Mr Pink

  Code. Coke. Samples. Jokes. GFX. Tarts.

o Ripley

  Graphics. Design. Jokes. Snoring.


  Music. Pizza. Rendering. Jokes. Hair.

o sh3

  Graphics. Invisibility. Coughing.


o Mr Pink


o Ripley




o sh3


o Home

  Leon O'Reilly.Cwm Isaf.Abermule.Montgomery.Welshpool.Powys.Wales.SY15 6JL


    Remember, a Reservoir Gods demo isn't just for Christmas. It's for life.

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