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Welcome to the Dimlight Alley by Dimlight Alley Crew [web]

>>> Dimlight Alley Crew <<<

presents its first music project:

"Welcome To The Dimlight Alley"

Musicdisk coded by Pavol Bernhauser
GUI graphics by Columbo


Recommended screen resolution: 1024x768

The musicdisk uses the free BASS engine - http://www.un4seen.com/bass.html

A short explanation of the buttons:

1. C - credits, thankyous and greetings
2. i - group information - a few words about what DAC is
3. D - song details
4. ? - song comments from the artist

That would be all. ;-)


1. Louigi Verona - Life Like A River 2:35
2. XnmE - Astray 3:43
3. Daniel (Xtatic) - Voices In My Head 3:25
4. Cooth - Alongside The Railway 4:50
5. Basil - Over The Sea 4:21
6. KineTiK - Molecules 4:45
7. Gopher - What Dreams May Come 4:45

+ 8. Outro by XnmE

All songs are mp3 files at 128 kbps.

|											|
|  		    Remember the music belongs to the composers!			|
|											|
|Do not sell it, rip it, or use in any way except for listenig without their permission!|
|											|

For any info contact Dimlight Alley Crew - http://dimlight.net/contact.php

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