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Fake! by 7dUMP

no light, 
   no reflections, 
       no true transparency... 

   "FAKE!" - 64kb intro
                  for millllleinium demopaty 2003

	"Modern artists create that, 
	 that turns out, instead 
	 of that would be desirable them."
			S. Dali, "50 magic secrets 
			of skill", the citation inexact

sys.rq: pII,sound,dx8. full time software render.
:!party version!: not tested on computers < 128 mb ram

greetings to: Bitl/7dUMP, UNLIMIT group, LAS/Fenomen.

Lost Soul - concept, design, 23d modelling
f0x       - some ideas, code, chiptune
intro uses minifmod 1.6 - by firelight multimedia (www.fmod.org)

special thanx to: Angel aka BabyBird, ON_A!R from Unlmit group

contact us: fox@vzletka.net (f0x, Lost Soul)

(c) 7dUMP, Krasnoyarsk 2003
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