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Mirages by Sector Omega [web]

 s  e  c  t  o  r        o  m  e  g  a

      M   i   R   A   G   E   S


  My first demo :) Code was made from

  scratch, starting from the system, 

  and ending with this demo. Graphics 

  were also made by myself, and JosSs

  tracked this wonderful tune, having 

  to stand my continuous new ideas 

  and hurries ;]

  Thanks a lot to Ithaqua, Micro and 
  Shash for help and answering me some

  doubts. Greetz to all spanish scene

  and... see you at next bcn party!


  yero ................. yero@yero.org

  JosSs ............ josss@mixmail.com

 w w w . s e c t o r o m e g a . o r g
                         final version

 (btw, you can pause/resume the demo 
 by typing F8/F5, and can put up/down 
 the volume by typing F4/F3)
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