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Thanks For The Stuff by Rabid Moose [web]

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                                  ---- Presents a Fun Demo You Hate ----
                                           "Thanks for the Stuff"

Code: Nameless
Gfx: Various and Sir Garbagetruck
Tune: Makke (appearing as a guest and I'm sure he
             does not really want to hear how much
             you hate scrollers)
Here let me start you out on your Pouet comment:
              - Gack this is horrible it's all one hugeass
                 scrolltext that just goes on and on and holy
                   shit why doens't it ever end? What the hell was
                     the purpose behind this? Since I didn't enjoy
                       this and everyone else in the world must be
                         EXACTLY like me, this must be the worst demo
                           of all time!
                           Seriously if you don't like scrollers and find
                           reading text to be dull, you don't want to download
                         this demo. I say this because I don't want to hear
                       about how much you thought it sucked. IT WAS FUN TO
                    DO THIS. And I know that must bunch your panties all
              up and everything but get over it.

        We honestly would like you to enjoy this demo, and
think that there are quite a few folks who WILL.

DISCLAIMER:  If you don't I don't actually CARE (:

   A_Lee_N says that the .nfo is where the text should
        go, so I'll add some more here (:  This demo contains
             64k+ of scrolltext. This should break what was the
               previous record, according to DDT/Accession.

                 I figure Optimus will break the record for scrolltext
                   in about a month or so, and at that time we'll take
                     another 6 months to release the followup.

                     This production has been delayed I don't know how many
                   times due to Sir Garbagetruck having various issues with
                hardware. Nameless doens't believe any of these reasons
             anymore and is planning to use the "I was helping my
          friends move" on his next project.

      Enjoy this production IF YOU CAN and IF YOU CAN'T then
Final note: We've decided to release this as we're now
  moving on to other things (like making demos that are
    more than scrollers) and it's taken ages for Truck to
      actually get Namey what he was supposed to. There are
        issues on Truck's machine and Truck doens't like the
          way that the text goes in some areas but it's not like
            99 44/100ths of the sceners are gonna read this anyway
              and the few who do prolly will listen for the great
                tune (which really is damned good) and will watch the
                  logos cuz they're cool, and after a bit leave it be.

                    It was fun to make, but it's time to make other stuff.

                  See you in the next production (Namey says that'll be
               in 2010, but I don't think so, we'll be on the next
            one sooner than that.)
         -- Technical note for homepage release
       -- people have mentioned that the scroller goes
     -- a tad too fast - apparently it's linked to
   -- the refresh rate so if you set your
 -- refresh rate to 30 or so you should
-- be able to read it. We did talk about
 -- doing the scroller different but
   -- we aren't this is it and you
     -- may hate it and we
       -- really prolly
         -- don't
           -- give
             -- a
               -- Rabid Moose
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