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Cyberpunk 2077 Cracktro by akaikōshi [web]

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/      CYBERPUNK 2077 CRACKTRO        /
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akaikoshi is happy and proud to bring
you the famous and so-long waited :

      "Cyberpunk 2077"

for your Atari STe.

Press :

  -> 'F' maximum force
  -> 'U' maximum unfairness
  -> 'C' maximum crime
  -> 'K' minimum kindness
  -> 'N' unlimited nausea
  -> 'A' maximum anger
  -> 'Z' zero zen mode
  -> 'I' minimum intellignce

Enjoy and have fun !

Greets to all scene friends and retro
creative people.

Fuck you haters, fascists and nazis

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/        code-gfx by : #592C63        /
/        muzik    by : #40E0D0        /
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/              we are                 /          
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/  | _\| '_| _\| | '_| _ |_ -|   | |  /
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/ akaikoshi@proton.me                 /
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/ https://akaikoshi.wordpress.com/    /
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