parasite by fresh!mindworkz [web]
"parasite" pc-demo by Fresh!mindworkz, released at SceneCon'03, Hungary. Created by: Pasy (main code, 3DWorkz engine), Pontscho (system code), Wolverine (3D Part 1 ,2D GFX), Maxie (3D Part 2), Difuse (2D GFX), Just (music). Command line parameters: -bmark : show FPS info at the end of the demo -synth <0...14> : the synth plays the selected track of the music -c : console logging -v : verbose mode, creates a debug.log Technical Info: Known bugs: - 16 bit mode is experimental, there can be depth buffer fight bugs - At Win95/98/ME there's no display frequency configuration ability - Medium and low quality textures are experimental use only if you haven't got enough VGA memory (Med.:less than 64MB, Low: 16MB or less) Windows: Needs an OpenGL 1.1 compatible videocard (with lot of ram) and a standard dsound soundcard. Should run without hardware t&l also... in high quality texture mode you need at least 64MB VGA ram Windows bugreports: Linux: You need the following softwares to run in linux environment: -XFree86 4.2.1+ -glibc 2.2+ -OSS driver (without KDE's arts or Gnome ESD sound server) And do not forget to give execute rights to binary: chmod +x parasite.lnx Linux bugreports: All textures are stored so no precalculation needed... This demonstration made with GPL or freeware modules/compilers. If party version crashes, please report (it should work fine with nVidia GeForce cards though). Final version will be available soon... Contact: E-mail:, Homepage: 2003/07/05
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