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Numbers by MARMOT

 _ _  ___  ___  _ _  ___ (___      
| | )|   )|   )| | )|   )|         
|  / |__/||    |  / |__/ |__       
 ___       _ _ (___  ___  ___  ___ 
|   )|   )| | )|   )|___)|   )|___ 
|  / |__/ |  / |__/ |__  |     __/

A Wii demo for the Assembly 2024 Real Wild compo by:
  * Muffintrap
  * RaccoonViolet
  * MuffinHop

           HOW TO RUN THE DEMO

1. Place the folder in the `apps/` folder in your Wii SD card:
   - `SD_ROOT/apps/numbers_asm24`
2. The homebrew channel should see it.


This demo was programmed in C/C++, using MTEK-GDL framework's muffintrap fork.
Programs used:
  * KDevelop
  * OpenMPT + Synth 1
  * Rocket editor
  * GIMP

The demo can also be built for:
  * Windows
  * Linux
  * Apple computers


The demoscene is a computer art subculture focused on producing demos: 
non-interactive multimedia presentations which run in real-time on a computer.
Demos are created to demonstrate the capabilities of a given platform, 
pushing the boundaries of graphics, sound, and design.

Assembly is one of the most prestigious demoscene events, where enthusiasts 
showcase their creations. This Wii demo is part of the Real Wild competition, 
which features productions that run on non-standard or unusual hardware.

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