Have You Seen My Ham ? by orange
+================================================================+ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿInfofileÿforÿtooÿseriousÿpersonsÿonly. +================================================================+ ÿ Haveÿyouÿseenÿmyÿhamÿisÿourÿfirstÿhighÿqualityÿproductionÿreleased on Friday 13th of may in 1994. ÿ ÿ Requires : 386, VGA ÿ Recommended: GUS (if you want music), Mouse ÿ ÿ Credits: Code: Hoplite GFX: Der Piipo Music: 99 Player: Robban/Cascada For maximum performance, load no other TSRs than your mouse driver. ÿ To contact us, write to one or all (depending on whom you want to contact) of these addresses: ÿ Mikko Wilkman Iiro Harra Laaksolahdentie 64 Latvatie 11 A 02730 Espoo 02710 Espoo Finland Finland ÿ Mikko Karvosenoja Ilkka Ojala Nummitie 34 Laaksolahdentie 5 as 30 ÿ 02730 Espoo 02730 Espoo ÿ Finland Finland ÿ There is a secret part in this Introductiooon. To enter it, send a letter (which includes an envelope with stamps and your address on it) and we will send you the secret part!! ÿ ÿ ÿ - Hpl/1 - ÿ ÿ
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