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Metal Compression by Intryx


To pack the Intryx'production called "Metal Compression" , you'll have
to put the directory "Intryx.files" and the directory "c" with the dos
command run on your disk . The file called "1" is a small loader in asm ,
don't try to replace it or the demo won't work totally ...

Another note :
This demo works on systems 2.0 and , on this system , you aren't asked
to put the directory "c" with the command run on disk ... It seems that
the system replace it itself ...

To swap with us or to enter our group , write to :

(Syrion from INTRYX)
Bunel Maxence
7 place Puvis de Chavannes
69006 Lyon

Last thing : You can take this demo in any packs to put it in any packs you 
want , the packers haven't the copyrights of this production ... This piece of
code is copyrighted by his makers ...

SYRION,POLO,CHRONOS,DR.NO,JUMPING -- All of them are members from INTRYX

 -- (c) INTRYX -- This production can't be sell by anyone without our personnal
 agree ... INTRYX 1992

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