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Rouleau de printemps by Resistance [web] & Arkos [web]

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Hi folks! Here is a small invitro called "rouleau de printemps" (spring roll) for Alchimie 2019. The alchimie 13 takes
place at Tain-L'Hermitage, below the vineyards of the famous Hermitage wine from November 1st to 3rd.

As this intro is unofficial, it's released a little too earlier so please wait May the 1st to check the officiel
website and the official annoncement! -> www.triplea.fr/alchimie

This intro was done in a few days. Most of the code was done during live programming session on youtube (2 evenings).

                      code/gfx: roudoudou/Resistance     music/player: targhan/Arkos

                          design freely inspired from the work of cicile/tripleA

                              This demo should work on GX4000, 464+ and 6128+

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