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Skatoula by Who Knows?

                               .oO SKATouLA Oo.


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                BLiND GFX  : INSane.
                                        INSane. : HANDICaPP CODiNG
                DEAF MUSiC : aMUSiC

     A new group got a live...  Its name?   Who Knows?   It was, actually, born
     without the use of sex in the party place of the GARDENING '96 Stage ][.

     A direct translation of the Greek word "SKATOULA" is "BIG SHIT!" so is the
     title of our contribution. It is something like 3-routines-runnig-together
     -all-the-time-until-you-get-booooored type of nightro. Everything was done
     in about 6 hours excluding breaks for coffee, piss, eat, farting, sampling
     and other nasty things.

     All the code was written on other groups' machines using PASM7.0.  All the
     work took about 6 hours of work. It was quite fun.  We were trying to make
     something small with many colors, shitie gfx and silly music.  And here it

     I'd (INSane.)  like to say a  huge sorry to  all the SB users  (I'm one as
     well) 'coz it supports only GUS and nosound. (no time to find a player for
     both cards).

     dEUS,  Demaniacs,  MOD / (probably independent),  LiKET / Goto10,  The
     ppl of #hellas (GRNET) and #TheEnd,  Jungle (efnet) and to all the ppl
     at the party place.

     Current members of 'WHO KNoWs' are.
     INSane. : CODING, BLiND GFX and some general music related stuff
     AMiGO   : MUSIC erhm... MUSIC and some MUSIC as well
     GRYPAS  : Brilliant GRAPHICs!
     CroSS   : CODE

     What? you wanna contact us? what a shame! anyway... for now. send your
     e-mail (or whatever) to:
     INSane : cs95ggg@brunel.ac.uk
     aMUSiC : aMUSiC@beryl.kapatel.gr

     HARDWARE Requirements:
     - anything more than a 486 based machine. (it may need at a P75
     if you want it to run in full frame rate. For some reason the palette
     setting takes too much time ;-)))))
     - some RAM (I think 229390 bytes are more than enough)
     - and a VGA 100% (register) compatible card connected to a monitor
       and probably plugged in some slot or something.
     - a GUS will play some sounds... if it's there...

     WARNING: This "BIG SHIT" Might be harmfull for your monitor... so use
     it at your own risk.

     Oh!... Consider this piece of software as commercial (not even share-
     ware) so you have to pay for it before you run it ;-)  funk it!! just
     send a mail if you really like it.

     P.S.: NExT time it'll be larger!
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