prospects by Unique [web]
unique prospects Assembly2002 demo compo (codename unique 3d mark 2002) made in three days before the party. Pentium 3 + Gf2GTS or better is recommended for optimal pleasure ...credits demosystem: absurd scripting: chemic add. scripting: absurd, raymon modelling: chemic, raymon soundtrack: pinza graphics: dodke textures: lum, piriste ...greets aardbei addiction amuq armada array bypass damage dawning dcs dekadence details dxm excess ex-haujobb faktory fit flo foobug gluterol grin inf iso jumalauta kewlers komplex kooma lonely coders ltv mfx moojuice moppi ninjagefilus noice outbreak phn tpb pwp rno tAAt tbl 3state tpolm wamma #subscene #3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ...and last but not least matt current
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