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ATTR Music by Bay 6

             ________        _______________/   ___    /\____
         ___/       /\______/______________/   /__/   / /   /\
        /__/       / /                               / /   /  \
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 /    ____     /V    ____     //    /  \/    //    ____     /\/
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_____________//_____________//________     //_____________/    \
             \\             \\   /________/ \             \    /
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   /_______/   /                  /\________\/           /    
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                            /_____________/ / / / / /
                            \_____________\/ / / / /
                              /_____________/ / / /
                              \_____________\/ / /
                                /_____________/ /

   Title: ATTR Music
  Author: Bay 6
  System: ZX Spectrum 48K + Tape
    Size: 252 bytes
  Length: 2:16
Features: minimal techno beeper soundtrack

WARNING!: best to run with white border/paper, from 48K Basic
          with LOAD "". The intro finishing with PROGRAM
          LISTING and silence.
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