Assembly 2016 Oldschool Democompo Invitation by Ivory Labs
ASSEMBLY OLDSCHOOL DEMO COMPO INVITATION v1.1 BY IVORY GRAPHICS LABORATORIES V1.00 "I was in such a hurry that I could not test the final version on a real Pentium so I hope this runs fast enough. But it ran ok before... :Z" - Branch V1.1 "Ok now i quickly fixed a couple of things after the party. There will be version 1.2 of the demo that is even slighty better! In the nfo-slide version transitions aren't smooth and some palette is set too early" Greetings CODE BRANCH^IVORY MUSIC PUMPULI^IVORY TEXT JOPE^EXTEND GFX VISY^TRILOBIT NOBY^EPOCH PUMPULI^IVORY BRANCH^IVORY TIPS CCE^PEISIK
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