MacGyver by The Gang [web]
.____________________. __| |__ _\ | | /_ ____ { : : } ____ / / _____ H7 { _ ____ + } dS! / /___ / /________/ __/_____ ________ ______\ \____________________ \ __/___\ ___ \ _/ \ / / __ \/ ___ / ___ / ___ \ \ \ / /\ \ / /\ \ / / \ \/ /\ \ / /\ \_/ /\ \ / / __\ Y /_ \ / / _\ Y /_ _\ /_ \ Y /_ \ \ /__\ Y /_ //¯ __//¬ \___¯//¯ ¯/ \\_____ \\ _¯\\¯ \ _¯\\_____ _/ ¯¯¯\___/ ¯¯¯¬\_ _/ ¯ ¯¯¬\_ _/¯¯ ¯/ \/ /¯¯¯\_ _/ ¯¯ ¯\_ _/¯ ¯¯_/ \/ / ¯ ¯ ¯ \ / ¯ ¯ \\ / %%%% t h e g a n g %%%%%%%%%%%%%, \____/ ,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%, \____/ _ _ _ _ { [ ] } { | | } {_ | : _} /_| |_\ |____________________| " " The Gang presents - MacGyver Code: Chucky Music: Gouafhg Original Concept and Edgedetectionsoftware: Gouafhg ASCII logo by: H7. Thanx! More or less a fun compofilling demo.. Bizarre? YUP-YUP! Should run on any type of Amiga. requires some RAM.. like 6MB or so.... .... ..... So guess 020 is recomended due to RAM req.
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