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Diftro by Digital Infinity

  Hi, this is Daniel here. Me and Matt worked lots on this demo to get it out
at all. It's an intro to introduce Digital Infinity, which you SBCNet guys
have been hearing about for quite a while. I really got tired and felt guilty
about having my LD distributors wasting their money for calling when the demo
was not even here...so I am releasing it. We had MUCH more planned for the
scroll and also for the vector dots to speed them up. Sorry if it doesn't run
on your computer. I really don't think you'll get a smooth run on anything
less than a 386DX-33. We're working....

  And, although I have not had time to refine all sharp edges in the demo,
it is still pretty cool as is. For example, there are still a few bugs to be
worked out of the circling trellis grid underneath the scroller...

  If your computer IS too slow, go try using DIFTRO /? to check the command
line parameters. These allow you to turn off certain options. The biggest
CPU gobblers are the vector-dot letters, so if the scroll does not run
smoothly, go turn off the vector dot rotation to look at the scroll.

  This demo does NOT support SB or compatibles!! Only GUS music. Sorry. If
you want to hear the wonderful music, go to a friend's house and listen
there. Next demo (despite what the scroller says) WILL HAVE SUPPORT FOR ALL
THE DMA CARDS WE CAN GET OUR HANDS ON!!!!! (and have time to make a driver
for of course :).

  In this demo we are using an old version of GUSMOD that I have performed
some personal bug-fixes on... This is a temporary music workaround so that
we can have music at all until our real driver is finished...

  On the topic of GUS support, this demo will work with 256k of GUS RAM!!!
Hope you guys who have not upgraded your memory on your GUS enjoy this.



.....If you do not wish to ruin your eyes reading the scroll, here is a
written copy for you here. Please do not modify this.


WAAAAAAHOOOOOO!!!!!! Welcome to the first Digital Infinity presentation.

This intro was made for the purpose of introducing Digital Infinity. Our
members are: Daniel Potter (me), coder, musician(sorta), graphics, PR;
Matt McLelland, coder, musician (sorta); Keith Fulkerson musician;
Kevin Barnard, coder (sorta :)

Me and Matt are sorta-musicians because although we have all the tools
(except for a composing environment), we have not made any music yet.
Also, Kevin is a sorta-coder cause he has not coded anything yet.
This little intro was written by Daniel Potter and Matt McLelland.

The trellis pattern you see (sorta) behind this scroller is rotated in
circles using the all-famous super-fast image manipulation technique.
I won't ruin it for those of you who DON'T know how to do this... :8-()

I hope it's fast enough to run on your computer, cause I optimized it as much
as I possibly could with given time restrictions. I have homework to do,
and I have other such responsibilities that any person in high school would.
If this does not run then look up in DIFTRO.NFO for the command line options
to turn off parts of the demo.

Our following demos will have MUCH more optimized code than this one.
However, this demo was already REAAAAAAAL late so I figured I best not waste
any more time on it!

So, how do you like the music? (If you have a GUS!) Sorry about not having
support for SoundBlaster and compatibles, we have decided to not limit the
GUS in any way in our new music system. Sorry... :'(. Our music could
possibly support up to 32 channels in the future. (We still don't have a
composer program).

There won't be any SB support unless we simply get bored one weekend and
make a driver. This also stands for the other DMA cards; I guarantee that
if we make ANY kind of DMA driver then I will support all the DMA cards
I can get info on.

The Reverie MegaDemo, which you have been hearing so much about, might be out
in late April.    I'm sorry for the pushed up time, but we'll be lucky to
have it THAT soon!

Also, we have decided to push the demo back down to possibly a normal old
megademo; the previous title was a little adventagous. We will perhaps
start on a super-presentation and work on it for about a year!!! If we do
this...it WILL be big...

Greetings to (trying to keep our list short)... Paranoids (Neat demo),
Future Crew, Renaissance (hi Daredevil }), Cascada, Triton, UltraForce,
Space Pigs, Sonic PC, DCE, Suprise Productions, Phoney Coders, Witan,
Necromancer, Sky Hawks, Chaos Software, and Einstien (dude, come up with a
good group name and get some more members! :)

If I did not greet you, send your demo to me!!! Info about contacting us
can be found in DIF.NFO that came with this demo. You may also contact me
on SBCNet, and possibly soon, Creative Demo Net.

DEGREETINGS!!!! Metal Maniacs--> should not have kicked out your PR dude.
Everyone needs somebody.. :P

The music is done by our composer, Keith Fulkerson. The graphics were done
by me, Daniel.   The font was generated by Matt McLelland's font anti-aliaser
from the FRESNO font that you can find in any shareware font package.

If you're wondering what those vector letters at the bottom mean, here's what
each stands for:  DI stands, of course, for Digital Infinity.  TX stands for
Texas (our home state here) and the US stands for United States.

Well....I guess we'll soon be resetting the pointers. Have a nice day and
CONTACT US!!! I may even be willing to call YOU if you leave me E-Mail with
your number, if you can't call here, but I can't be doing much of that...

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