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Hudson Hawk Cracktro by Flashtro [web]

A cracktro made for Flashtro's release of the game Hudson Hawk

game crack, trainer and ASCII: musashi9/Flashtro
cracktro code: pmc/Retro
font: pmc/Retro
music: Estrayk/Paradox

The .adf of the game crack itself can be downloaded here: http://flashtro.com/page.php?id=2855&a=dl

As referenced in the on screen text, I kind of set myself a challenge with this one: can I do a cracktro in two hours flat?

I wanted to get as close as possible to that feeling the guys must've had way back in the times when how quick they managed
to release the crack counted. Silly goal really but quite fun to have a go at. :)

And phew! I managed to get it done - even drawing a quick little nibble font for it too! :D

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