Symposium 96 Invitation by Archiologics
--- -- - ============================================ S y m p o s i u m 96 - the ultimate acorn szene event ============================================ - ---- -- ! Acorn Demo Competition 1996 ! ! Spread this invitation demo as far and as much as you can ! place... ----------- Hamburg - Hitfeld / Germany "Veranstaltungszentrum Burg Seevetal" (The Burg Seevetal Conference Center) Am Göhlenbach 11 21218 Seevetal-Hitfeld phone: +49 - (0)4105 - 552 236 or 552 291 time... ---------- start: 05.04.1996 - 12:00 am (midday) end: 08.04.1996 - 12:00 am (midday) 72hrs party time - non stop!!! don't miss it!!! organizers... ---------------- Absence, Avena (Atari F030) Polka Brothers, Lego, Phantasm, Sanity (Amiga) Oxyron (C64) Cubic Team (PC) features... -------------- The Symposium is a party event for all computer systems. There is room for about 1500 people + computers. There will be Sound-, Graphics- and Demo- Competitions for all systems INCLUDING the Acorn!!! A 6m x 4m LCD Video Screen and an 800 Watt Sound System is provided for all the compos. Of course there are sleeping, washing and eating facilities - but you need to have your own sleeping bag. :) If you want to bring along your Acorn machine don't forget multiple mains adaptors. The Symposium is sponsored by some big companies - for example VIVA TV and Acorn Computers Ltd!!! the entrance fee is at 35 DM. (about £14) competitions... ------------------ Hey acorn demogroups out there - D O Y O U R C O N T R I B U T I O N T O T H E A C O R N D E M O - C O M P E T I T I O N !!! Only if there are at least 4 acorn demos taking part at the compo prices will be given. In this case the first price will probably be a new Acorn RiscPC sponsored by Acorn!!! So come on and do your best! At time of writing this text 2 demos have already been announced! The following systems are available for running your demo: 1) Archimedes A3010, ARM250, 4MB RAM (12MHz) 2) RiscPC 600, ARM610 30MHz, 4MB RAM, 2MB VRAM, 486sx-33 PC Card, 8Bit Sound 3) RiscPC 700, ARM710 50MHz, 16MB RAM, 2MB VRAM, 486sx-33 PC Card, 16Bit Sound Due to the hardware of the video beamer your demo have to run in a PAL or a VGA/SuperVGA screenmode. You MUST NOT do any hardware-tricks by altering the horizontal or vertikal screenfreqency. Your demo should not take more than 4 MB of harddisc space. Demos that already have been released are not allowed to join the competition. Hurry up and finish your demo - there isn't much time left! And if everything fails - finish it there, at the Symposium Party!!!!!!!!!! :) how to get there... ---------------------- by train - reach at "Hamburg Hauptbahnhof" (Hamburg main station) - take S3 or S31 (Gleis 4, HVV price 4 DM) to "Harburg" - arrived at Harburg you will be taken by the Symposium Shuttle service alternatively you can drive by one of the public busses to "Seevetal" by plane - use the bus shuttle service to the station "Ohlsdorf" - take the "U1" to "Hamburg Hauptbahnhof" - see above... by ship - take the "U3" at "Landungsbrücken" to reach the "Hamburg Hauptbahngof" - see above... by car you have two possibilities to arrive: The "A1" (Autobahn 1) and the "A7". Coming from north or south via "A7/B4" you have to leave at Abfahrt "Fleestedt". Then take the "Hittfelder Landstraße" (part of the B4) south- wards and follow the sign "Veranstaltungszentrum". Coming from East or West via "A1" take the Abfahrt "Hittfeld" and follow the signs. Fur further details contact us - maps are available! contacting... ---------------- For further information on the party, how to get there or on the acorn demo competition contact: snail-mail Gizmo/Icebird Merlyn/Icebird Christoph Mütze Boris Leppin D.-Wilkens Str. 46d Steffensweg 198 28309 Bremen 28217 Bremen Germany Germany phone (+49) (0)421 41 36 12 (+49) (0)421 38 14 29 e-mail ================================================================================ ...some information about thiz demo... credits... ------------- code & dezign by Mr Hill / Archiologics technical... --------------- The intro of this party invitation effect is a 100000 colour plasma effect. It is done by raster colours and colour interlacing. Therefore it doesn`t work on VIDC20 machines. Sorry! :( But I think the RiscPC-owners didn`t miss anything: What are 100000 colours on an Archimedes compared to 16777216 colours on a RiscPC!? :) But if you are in property of a RiscPC and want to see this plasma effect anyway - join the Symposium 96 party!!! I will be there with my Archimedes. Okidoki - see you at Symposium 96. greetinx... -------------- ArcAngels ArcEmpire Architects Armaxess ARMbugz Armie&Bert ARMleuchters Arm's Tech ATD BASS Crimeheads DaydreamSoft DeltaZoneII Expression IceBird Legacy MOPS Nophobia PCX Plasma Quantum SICK Slompt TEK Vision Factory Xperience Xymox Project
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