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Oz 96 Invitation Intro by Xtatic

           Oz'96 - The Australian demo party - Invitation Intro
  :                      xtatic productions'95
  |             Released on the 12nd of December in 1995
      Credits for this intro:                                           ù
         Goblin/Xtatic          - Code & Design & GFX (Including font)
         Random/Xtatic          - Code & Design & Text
         Clef/Melon & Epinicion - Music                                                               .
         Using BWSB for sound and music routines                        :
  :   Minimum Hardware Requirements:
  ù      486dx 33Mhz (works on a 386sx-16, but doesn't look too good)
  ú      VGA video card   (Any decent VLB card, or it won't be good)
         500kb base mem   (How much does it really need???)

      Recommended Hardware:
  .      486dxýÄ66Mhz
  .      21 inch SVGA Monitor with Diamond Stealth VLB card
  :      20mb RAM *8)
  |      GUS MAX (Why not? :])
         This is the invitation intro for Oz'96 - The great Australian  |
      demo party. It was done over a long period, as it took a LOOOONG  :
      time to get the party organized, and in the middle of it all,     ù
      many of the organizers (and invite makers) had exams, just to
      delay things even more. But, like it says in the invte, you've    ú
      waited long enough, so here it is.

      This intro _SHOULD_ work under DOS, OS/2, Windows'95 and maybe
      something else, if you're really lucky.
      A thanks goes out to Mr.Skitzophrenia, who drew a logo for us,    .
      but we didn't use it, for some reason :)                          :
  ÀÄÄ--ùú                                         [Goblin&Random.xtatic'95]

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