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Trilobyte #12 by Nuance [web]

                     _:_\                                 /_:_
                    / !                                     ! \
    ______      ___/ ___      _____      ______      ______   / ______
   /\     \    /  /\/  /\  __/_    \    /      \    /     /\ / /      \
  /\/ __  /\  /  /_/  / / /   _    /\  /   __  /\  /    _/_// /  /_   /\
 /\/ / /  \/ /       / / /    /   / / /   / /  \/ /       /\ /    ___/ /
/_/_/ /___/\ \______/ /  \_______/ / /___/ /___/\ \______/ / \_____/\\/
\___\/\___\/  \_____\/    \______\/  \___\/\___\/  \_____\/   \(oky)/ ...
               /                                        /
               \_¡__                               __¡_/
                 : /_______________________________\ : 
                         T R I L O B Y T E  # 1 2
                     _|_     the resurrection     _|_
                      !                            !
        ._.-._.-._.-._.                            ._.-._.-._.-._.-. 
       |                                                            |
       | Code: Okeanos/Nuance                                       |
       | Graphics and Design: Raven/Nuance                          |
       | Musics: Jakim/Stage Magicians                              |
       |         Ko0x/Gravity                                       |
       |         Aceman/Binary Bros.                                |
       |         Rayko/Chimera Music                                |
       |         Okeanos/Nuance                                     |
       |                                                            |
       | KEYS CONTROL:                                              |
       |                                                            |
       |           DOWN ARROW :   Play next song                    |
       |           UP ARROW :     Play previous song                |
       |           LEFT ARROW :   Speed up scroller                 |
       |           RIGHT ARROW :  Normal speed scroller             |
       |                                                            |
       |                                                            |
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