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Anti-Teckno Techno demo by Senior Dads

We're going to go BACK

    ... Way BACK! ...

           .... BACK INTO TIME! ....

##########                  *  P  R  E  S  E  N  T  *                 #########
##########         *  "  A  N  T  I  -  T  E  C  K  N  O  "  *        #########  
##########         *  T  E  C  K  N  O  *  D   E   M   O  !  *        #########
##########    BY: OCTAVE-8 and MOTORCYCLE EMPTINESS of SPEAKEASY 7    #########
##########   aka DAME VERA LYNN and JACKSON POLLOCK of SENIOR DADS!!  #########

TO RUN:  Double click on TECKNO.PRG

         This program works on JTSFM, JTE, C-Lab Faclon 

WARNING: Don't watch if you have epliplessy! Unless you want to do a mad
         boneshaking dance to the mega-flashing lightz!!



YO! Dame VL here in da house, and herez are oldie for yas! Nope, 
it's not "New Labour, new demo" time yet! This is a demo from the old
demo crew me and Jackson Pollock were in. I say demo crew, I mean 
PRATS! Apart from us 2 kool dudes of course. The crew were called 
"SPEAKEASY 7"- you've probably never heard of them, but that's no 
suprise because they were CRAP! The only good thing going for these 
losers was:
  a) the name, which I thought up
  b) myself and Jackson Pollock. My handle was "Octave-8" (Cool, huh?)
     and JP was called "Motorcycle Emptiness" after a song by the
     Manic Street Whatisnames. (Before they lost that thin dude. In
     fact, it was before that Kurt and his shotgun sandwich!)

We had the idea of doing a music demo in 1992- I was told to do
some killa musix, and JP to do da visual FX. I went away and came
up with the goodz- a pumping techno soundtrack (This is 1992, so it 
sounds a bit more laid-back now!!!) and JP came back with the graficks! 
As soon as I told the rest of the crew about my new piece of zax, 
they went "Oh no!" because JP had just phoned to tell them that he had
decided that the demo was to be an anti-techno music demo, and 
had come up with anti-techno situationist sloganz logoze! We were told
to fix the problemo pronto, or receive the order of the boot!

I contacted JP, who wasn't best pleased, and said "No, hang on, that's
cool!" and suggested that whatever those losers in the crew might think,
we'll try to accomodate both viewz in the demo! (I'm always open-minded
towards other views even if they are a load of complete shit!) So
we worked for a couple days on the demo, then showed it off to the
rest of the guyz! "Hey presto, dudes, the new Speakeasy 7 demo!!"

It was well kool! Anti-techno slogans flashing in time with my dance
floor killa kut! It was the first time any of them had seen JPs GFX
for the demo, and the first time they had heard my mega chip-muzak
techno module. (The first techno module ever in chip musix!) The
impact must have been mega!

Well, that's what I thought, but the other guys took one look at it,
and told us to fuck off! I decided I was too big for the group, and 
left, and JP did likewise. Last I heard of those losers, they're
employed in some database company or something with no demo releases
to their name, while we joined an internationally reknowed demo crew
whose web pages are mentioned in famous Atari magazines. C'est la vie 
as Robbie Williams says...

So check out da CREDITZ, BOYEZZ!:

CODEZ:   OCTAVE-8                Main demo code
         MOTORCYCLE EMPTINESS    "            "
         OLD FART                Senior Dads intro!
MUZIKX:  OCTAVE-8                Main Musix (Kool, isn't it?)
         DAME VERA LYNN          Senior Dads Fanfare of course!
         JACKSON POLLOCK         Senior Dads logo!

Message to former members of Speakeasy 7: Ha ha ha ha ha!


Hey, peep dis:


/* SENIOR DADS (05/05/97) **************************\
** http://grelb.src.gla.ac.uk:8000/~mjames/senior/ **
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