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Build your own cocktail arcade by Darklite [web]

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 2008\/     \/           \/we-are-still-alive\/ 
Wild demo: "Build your own cocktail arcade"     
Credits: Response, o.f, Spexzter & Elmah        
Ad-credits: Lefsa(for drinking beer with us)    
Released at: Solskogen 2008                     
Visit us at www.darklite.org / post@darklite.org
The story:                                      
Well... what is the story? I got bored one day  
and designed this project in my head. I had no  
idea if it would actually work, but I told o.f  
about my plans and he thought we should give it 
a chance - and we did ;) luckily!               
I think we used about two months building it... 
Actually we only changed the beer-automat design
once. The first version kinda sucked, as it     
could only handle 2 beers. We wanted more :)    
The cocktail arcade was built using these parts:
1 21 inch crt TV                                
1 cdrom                                         
1 powersupply                                   
1 old modified xbox running mame-emulator       
2 standard xbox controllers - modified          
6 neonwires                                     
2 soundsensitive inverters                      
1 standard inverter                             
2 strobes                                       
2 strobecontrollers                             
1 LED-display                                   
9 switches                                      
2 speakers                                      
1 stereo amplifier                              
2 cooling fans                                  
1 internal light                                
1 plate of plexiglass                           
16 authentic arcade stickers                    
loads of electric wire                          
loads of wood                                   
loads of glue                                   
loads of tape                                   
loads of beer                                   
Most of the stuff used to build this arcade was 
found on our local junkyard :)                  
And now... on to the next project!              
See ya' ! -response-                            
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