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Local Warming by Nuance [web]

                 /\                                        _______
       __       /  \_   http://www.nuance-family.de    _/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/
      /\\\__   / \\_/             ___                 /¯\\ _____/______
      \   ¯/  /    /__          _/¯¯¯¯\   ___        /    /¯¯¯   \¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\\
     _/    \_/    /¯¯¯\   _    /\\     \  \¯¯¯\_    /    /     __/    ______\
    /       ¯    /    /  /¯\  /    /\   \_/    /   /_    \    /      /___
   /_//  /\     / //¯/  /   \/    /_/ \\_/     \__/ //    \__/¯\\    ___/
  /_____/  \         \_/    /      ___           ¯          ¯       /¯¯ 
  ¯¯¯¯       \____     ¯         __/¯\\\      /\      /\             ¯\__
               ¯¯¯\\\    \\_    /¯      \ //¯/  \ \\_/  \_____/\_     \\_\
                     \    _/\__/         \__/    \  /    ¯¯¯ nm//_________\
                      \__/¯  ¯            ¯       \/               ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
                       /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯        \\
                      /   L O C A L    W A R M I N G   \
                      \   released @ breakpoint 2008   /
                       \\____       __________________/
                      _/¯¯¯¯                     \_
                     /¯         C R E D i T S     ¯|_____
                    /                               ¯¯¯¯ \
                   /    code..... pro, naitandu, rayzn    \
                  /     2d gfx... raven             ______/
                  \     3d gfx... animador        /¯¯¯¯\
                   \    music.... noisefever      \     \
                 __/    syncs.... nightmare     __/      \
                 \¯                       ____/¯¯        /___
	         \\______________________//¯¯             ¯¯/
                  /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                          /
                 /                                        /
                /                      R E Q U I R E S    \
             __/                                           \_
	    /¯¯    some decent CPU and GFX board required.  ¯\
            \      at least: GeForce7900GTS, 256MB VRAM.      \
             \     not tested on ATI, but as ATI sucks,       /
              \    we don't care :) (well, there will be      ¯\___
              /    a test after the party).                     ¯¯/
             /                                                   /
            /      98% produced at BP08                         /
           /_      02% produced in the bavarian alps. PHUN     /
           ¯/                                               __/
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