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GinVision invite (GinVite) by NDivia

!!!!!!!!!1                                                             !!!!!1
!!!!!!!1  GinVision : copy party / booze-up / BBQ!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
!!!!1                                                                     !!1
!!1                   come to sunny Grondines, Quebec, Aug 25-28          !!1
!!1                                                                       !!1
!!1 Free Tesla D-870 Supercomputer to all pouet members!!!!!1             !!1
!!1                                                                       !!1
!!1 Unlimited Free Vodka for elite Panamerican groups/SIGGRAPH presenters !!1
!!1                                                                       !!1
!!1+------- Fun Compos:---------------------------+                       !!1
!!1|    64k PC                                    |                       !!1
!!1|    4k PC                                     |                       !!1
!!1|    4k GP32X Game                             |                       !!1
!!1|    PSP music dic^Hsk                         |                       !!1
!!1|    GBA 3D wild                               |                       !!1
!!1|    Euroweenie-eating contest                 |                       !!1
!!1|    Monkey Island Speedrun contest            |                       !!1
!!1|    Acoustic Guitar Hero                      |                       !!1
!!1|    ATI Card throwing / skeet shoot           |                       !!1
!!1|    Rob is Jarig Dance Marathon               |                       !!1
!!1+----------------------------------------------+                       !!1
!!1 Ultra High Spec Compo machine:                                        !!1
!!1 4.77 Mhz 8088 IBM PC                                                  !!1
!!1 w/ SoundBlaster 16                                                    !!1
!!1 & CGA Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter                                  !!1
!!1                                                                       !!1
!!1 and of course, girls get in free!!!!                                  !!1
!!1                                                                       !!1
!!1 1                                                                     !!1
!!!!!!!!!!!1                        --apologies to Gargaj and Temis !!!!!!!!1
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