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Dynamite by Unit 17 [web]

Hi everybody out there reading this. We (Unit Seventeen) have at last
released our DYNAMITE-Sound Demo.

If you have a copy that is older than 3 of april it's probably faulty (if you
haven't got it to run that is) This version should work anyway. I have had some
troubles with my harddisk that have been resulting in these problems.
Anyway, I hope it will work okay now..

It Features:
             8 Polyphonic Channels 25kHz Digi-Synth Routs in stereo.
             7 Soundtracks with about 20 minutes of playing time
             Ability to attach a midi-keyboard and play the samples as it
              were a synth.
             A rather nice oscilloscope.
             Full bass/treble/volume controll
             Sync-lock rastergraphics scroller

Try pressing F7-F10 when it runs...

Well, that's about all I can think of right now. This demo works on the
following machines:

 STe    1MB+   Colour&Mono
 MSTe   1MB+   Colour&Mono
 TT030  2MB+   Colour&Mono

It *DOES NOT* work on old ST's. (Get a STe guys!)

If you want to contact us:

e-mail:  hasse@solace.hsh.se          bbs: Red Dwarf
                                           +46 (0)21 552 39

Hope you enjoy this demo, and we will probably release a 12 channel and a
16 channel demo in the near future...

At the keyboard this time:

Mummel of Unit Seventeen

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