vivid by Illi Recentes ImperatoreS
december 2000 --==oo%8####%o. .-'~~~~`-. ..o%8X#############8¤ ' \ ~~¤¤######################o L __ __..oo%############¤¤~¤¤#########o : ~~¤¤####oo#########¤_... o##¤'_%###o ' .o%##########X-~_.._ o#¤_.._~¤### / . -=oooooo%%##########:.~.oo.-'~ .oo.~.##' / .-. . .--. ~¤8#########P~o# I#_I I#_I.o##~. .' | : `-. -=oooo...oooo%###########K~~: ¤¤' _.o88ó8¤¤: ' .' l ) -..) ¤################8¤¤¤#8o,' ^ .'/ .' _..._¤###########%oo%#####\ -=- _..o%%' .' .-'' `.¤#######¤¤¤~~~ ~~¤¤#o. "-=¤%###¤' / .' . \ ~~~ ~~~¤¤#%oo%##-..___.o##¤ J .-~ . L ~~¤¤¤: o#¤ : _.-' : | ...-' ~~ `--cpd- `._ ____..--~ | J _ _ _ | _ ~~~~~ : : |-~: 7~ ) 7~ ~ 7~ ) |-~: : 7~ ~ p r o u d l y | ' | L~~ `~~) L~~ | : |~ `~~) . | .' ' `--' ~'' `--' ' ' `--' ~'' ~-......-' . | : : ....:.::::::::::::::::::... ....::::::::'' ``::::::.... ..:::::::::::' : V i v i d `:::::::::::. ::::::::::::: ' :::' `::: ::::::::::: music . . . . Dascon :: .:: :::::::::: ::. .::: ::::::::: graphix . . . Bandy `:::::'' :::::::: . . . Cupid `::::::: .:::. ::::::: code . . . . Cupid ::' :: :::::: `:::::' ::::: ::::' All effects in this intro .::. :::: run at maximum framerate on `::' ::: an unexpanded Amiga 500 ::: ::' :: Fuckings to Abyss, Potion and :: Spaceballs - you have no idea :' what oldsk00l means! ;) : ..:: . . .. .....::::::::............................................ .. . . . - IRIS - we vote for ourselves -
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