Disk Maggie 03 by The Lost Boys
MM MM AAAAAAAAAAA GGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGG II EEEEEEEE MMMM MMMM AAAAAAAAAAA GG GG II EE MM MM MM MM AA AA GG GG II EE MM MMM MM AAAAAAAAAAA GG GG II EE MM MM AAAAAAAAAAA GG GGGGGGG GG GGGGGGGG II EEEEEE MM MM AA AA GG GGG GG GGG II EE MM MM AA AA GG GGG GG GGG II EE MM MM AA AA GGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGG II EEEEEEEE 33333333333333 0000000000000 33 00 00 33 00 00 33 00 00 33333333333333 00 00 33 00 00 33 00 00 33 PP 00 00 33333333333333 PP 0000000000000 MAGGIE ISSUE 3.0 Release Date: Tomorrow (19.11.90) Here it finally is, the 3rd issue of this great disk magazine. I bet that there are many people out there who doubted that there would ever be a 3rd issue. Well, I have to admit that three months is rather a long break for a magazine, but therefore it comes on two disks which should cover for the time in between ! The reason why this issue is so late is that I have been very busy answering letters, programming on a little game, running the PD library and coding a new menu for issue 4 of disk maggie ! First of all I would like to answer a question which I am being asked in every second letter which is: " How can I receive Maggie regularly ?". To answer this question I have to explain a few things. Producing a magazine of this size takes a lot of time, and sometimes I simply have not got it. Therefore it it might take longer from one isse to the next. Furthermore I do not know how many issue I will continue to produce, so, you can't order 5 issues in advance ! The only thing you can do is, always send us 2.70 after an issue has been released and we will send you the following one as soon as it is finished, but keep in mind that it might take some time ! In case the magazine becomes unexpectedly 2 disks, like this issue, we will ask you to send us another additional 2. I hope you understand our problem, thanks a lot. A summary of the text above: You can only order one issue in advance ! In case you can only lay your hands on notes, simply forget about the money and send us 12 international reply coupons (this only applies for people who do not live within NOT SO GREAT BRITAIN.) Secondly I would like to say something about the hidden article. Some of the questions (especially the first one) ARE MEANT AS A JOKE !!!!! We hope that you will take it this way and not hold a grudge against us !!!! Thanks for your understanding! For some technical information on this issue I should tell you that it contains about 600K of unpacked articles (which is definitely a lot to read for you!). We also have an enormous amount of little demos and previews for the first time in this magazine! I will try to keep this up as long as you people reading this should send us your little demo previews or these small utilities you code from time to time ! The disk also contains variosu quite useful utilities as described in the magazine ! At this point I would LIKE TO SAY A MEGA BIG THANKS TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO CODED THINGS AND THEN SEND THEM TO US ! This magazine also does contain its first ever paid for advert, the PD advert on the main menu. For such an advert you only have to pay 50 and we can assure you that it will spread definitely as far as an advert in ST Format would spread. We are even sure, that it would spread quite a lot further than ST Format because we know of registered readers in Germany, Russia, Holland, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Israel, France, England, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Australia, Canada and even the USA. As this magazine is public domain, it can be copied from friend to friend and this way it will travel all around the world, not to forget all around Britain !!! REMEMBER AN ADVERT IS ONLY 50, WHICH IS EXTREMELY CHEAP COMPARED TO ST FORMAT OR ANY OTHER MAGAZINE ! I would also like to point out that we are THE FIRST COMPUTER MAGAZINE EVER TO HAVE AN ARTICLE ON A COMPUTER SHOOW IN RSSIA WRITTEN BY A RUSSIAN ATARI ST ONWER ! This issue also contains many more articles by people from all over the world, from Holland, from France, from Germany and of course from England. We have probably received some articles from other places which I just forgot to mention now, sorry guys ! As I have already said in the last issue, I am still looking for people to write regular articles for maggie ! It would be great if some more people would declare themselves willing to do so ! I think that this is all the official things that need to be said for now! Yours the Editorial Team and Managing Director of this World Wide Distributed Magazine MICHAEL SCHUESSLER P.S.: The Editorial Team of Maggie currently consists of 2 steady participating Editors, these are: Michael Schuessler & Chris Holland The text following now basically is here to fill the disk to its limit ! Currently I am watching the film TOUGH GUYS, the film is pretty god ! By the looks of it, this disk will have some spare kb left on it ! I might type a few more things tomorrow ! On the disk there are still 10 K spare, I doubt that I will type that much now as I have only two hours before I have to leave for my proficiency exam in central London ! Anyway, back to computer talk. I had quite a lot of criticism for this magazine here, quite a lot of the people complained about the bullshit in this magazine. My answer to that is that I will continue writing what I have written so far, as I am doing this magazine purely for fun and nothing else, if people complain about articles, well, do a better one and send it to us ! We also had quite some criticism concerning the text displayer, yes, I agree, it is very very slow, but please keep in mind that it is coded in GFA Basic and I personally am not that good at coding machine code. If somebody out there wants to code us a new displayer, please do it, we would be extremely happy about that ! The only thing I can say about that is, that I will do my best to speed it up in GFA BAsic as good as possible, although I do not see much chance in that ! I would like to thank the people who send us their pictures which we couldn't use in the end, not because they were not good enough, but because the lack of space on this disk ! I hope that you will continue sending them in for us to have a look at ! Thanks! I would also like to thank the people who send us all their articles, which I happily included ! Thanks a lot guys and please keep up the good work ! Furthermore I would like to say a mega thank you to the people who coded some of the intro screens like Fallen Angels, Fingerbobs and whoever did something ! Thanks guys ! I have started a new section in this issue which is called PREVIEWS. Under this sections I would like to feature preview screens from forthcoming demos, especially mega demos. This would make the public more anxious to receive your demo ! I am still desperately looking for people over in the States or in Canada or Australia to write some articles, as many people here in Europe want to know what is happening on the other side of the globe ! If anybody out there would be so kind and reply to my plea it would be greatly appreciated ! I have just been working on a dew text displayer routine for maggie. This routine is slightly faster than the routine before, let's see if we can speed it up for the 4th issue ! An apology goes to the people who send us the money and still had to waiting such a long time for maggie ! We will try to release the next maggie in time ! Thanks for your understanding ! I have just checked the length of the documenty which currently is about 9K, which leaves about another 4 k on the disk. As it is rather late now, I'd better stop and start copying this magazine. Oh, by the way, I played on my first gig yesterday, it was near our school, oh, you would not believe how funny that was ! I was completely pissed out of my brains, but I could still play well enough to remeber the chords for the ruthem guitare. But NOW, just about one day after a started drinking I still have a flimming headache. TOUGH ! This is really now the end of this read me file on maggie ! Have fun reading maggie !!!! So long until the next issue Michael Schuessler
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