ExtravaGanja by Nerve Axis [web]
[SOf] \|/ bACK ONCE AGAIN WI|H |HOSE b|OCK ROCKIN' bEA|S \|/ [SOf] : : ....................................................... :: _ ____________ _ __ _____::___________ (÷) N.e.r.v.e A.x.i.s (÷) _\\\ / _ ______::_ _ _____ _ ____\_____ /_ _____¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯::¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .__\\\_ .·/_\\\ _/ ._\\\__ / /_\\\ _/ . :: | / / _\ ¯¯| _/ _/ / _\ ¯¯| :: | / i· | \ \_ n | :: |___/ /::___________| \______/ /_____________| :: · /______\:: tGø| | \ / :: _\ :: | _ ___|____ _\/______ _ _____ _::____ _ \ __ ______::___________|_\\\___ \ /_____ _\\\____)_.\ ·___///_. \\/ ::| _/ \_ // /// | \______ | \ Arouses:Your Senses | \_ _/ / _/ | . / | \::| |_____\______\ \_ |_::_______| ¯ ¯_\¯¯¯¯¯¯::¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|______| \______/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ :: \ :: :: \ \ ¦ ! ¦ / / _\.\ \. . \ \.__ _ ___ _ -<· «°» ·>- _ ___ _ __./ / . ./ /_./_ \ ¯\ \¯¯¯¯ ¯¯\ \ / i¯¯ ¯¯¯¯n / / »-+=( e·X·T·R·A·V·A·g·A·N·J·A )=+-« ¦·:·······:·······················«°»························ : ·······¦ __!_______:________________________!__________________________::_______!_ _:\ :: :: /:_ |¯ :: :: ¯| | :::::::: :: | | :::::::: Hardware Requirements: 68020+ Processor : : : : | | :::::::: AGA Capabi|ity :::..::: | | :::::::: :::::::: | | :·:··:·: Memory Requirements: 4MB Fast Mem :::::::: | | :::::::: 1700Kb Chip Mem :::::::: | | :::::::: :·:··:·: | | :::::::: Coding: Sch|ott :::::::: | | : : : : Visua|s: Meson/zONE/Schlott :::::::: | | : : : : Audio: Ganja :::::::: | | :::..::: Title Picture: Wade : : : : | | .::·::·::. Info Layout: zONE : : : : | | :::..::: | | .::·::·::. | | We are a|ways |ooking for high qua|ity sceners to join us especia||y | | good artists and you can contact us via emai| or irc at the fo||owing | | |ocations: .. .... .. | | :::::::: | | IRC: #NVX - #AMIGASCNE :::::::: | | : : : : | | EMai|: Schlott - tommy@schlott.demon.co.uk : : : : | | Meson - gary@batesg.demon.co.uk :::..::: | | Zone - zone@dial.pipex.com :::::::: | | Crash - crash@tcp.co.uk :·:··:·: | | :::::::: | | Or check out our homepage at: :::::::: | | : : : : | | http://http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/zone : : : : | | :::..::: | | .::·::·::. | _|_ · Nerve Axis - Sustaining The UK Scene _|_ :/_ _\ __________________________________________________________________\: _\ __ _____________________________________ _ \\/ \ The Men Responsib|e For Nerve Axis \ _\ Zone ÷ Crash ÷ Schlott ÷ MeSoN ÷ Ganja \ ÷ Venom ÷ TANGo ÷ Jam ÷ Spoon · @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _ __________ _\\\ / «·Nerve Axis·» _ ____\____ __/______ .__\\\_ / \ /_____ _ | / / /\_ // /// | / /\ /_/ / _/ tGø|___/ / \ / \______\ \_ -·------/______\---\/----------\______/---·- »-= eXTRAVAGANJA =-« THE best music from the scene's premier musician ! -·----------------------------------------·- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ _._ _ _ _ _._ [EOf] \|/ bACK ONCE AGAIN WI|H |HOSE b|OCK ROCKIN' bEA|S \|/ [EOf] : :
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