Euphoria by Picco
short: EUPHORIA 64kb intro. PICCO at SATELITE`98. uploader: author: type: Demo/aga requires: aga, pal P I C C O p r e s e n t s " e u p h o r i a " our contribution to 64kb intro compo at satelite party`98 in szczecin, poland held on november 7th-8th, 1998 robotized --------------------------------------------------- by maciej "MAQ" matyka [codework, 3-d scenes & design] andrew "DEF" nowiïski [3d objects, last texture] andrew "GROGON" ???? [music] requirements of this ---------------------------------------- thing aga chipset, mc68020, 8mb of fastram, pal video greets to our friends from demo ----------------------------- scene amnesty anadune appendix endzeit floppy haujobb interceptors kengooroo mawi monar mystic nah-kolor phase-truce psb pt venture venus-art others - stay more productive drop your comment ------------------------------------------- at [maq - coder of this thing] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- this text file is designed by az0/l124!
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