birthro by Extreme
- An Extreme Production 1993 - Yep! we're celebrating our birtday today, 13/4. We are now ONE year old! You get a bit nostalgic when looking back on the old days. I remember when I first was introduced to the PC-demo scene. It was the megademo by TSP. At that time I only had seen demos on the Amiga and I thought it was fantastic to make such things on the PC too! Nowadays we're getting closer and closer to the amiga and soon we have them behind! BTW I liked a quotation by PSI/FC "the amiga scene is so cool it's frozen" and I agree! Well, no more bullshit. This small intro was made for three reasons. 1. The birthday 2. To introduce the new members 3. The tune - I (Baldric) made it a month ago, and wanted to release something with it, but there was nothing to release, I mean we had nothing to make an intro for... but now we have! The requirements for this intro is as always: * No memory handler that consumes a lot of CPUtime... (QEMM, EMM etc) * VGA * About 400k base memory. And since I just made this on one day, I had no possibilities to test it on more than these three computers: 386/25, 386/33, 386sx/16. And it was running fine, though you must select a proper Khz. PS. try to press <right shift> DIRECLY after selecting replayrate! Then you hear a remix of the tune instead of the cover! Baldric 13/4-1993
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