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Design 5 by Brainlez Coders!

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                   Design 5 - The Fifth try (to make a success)

                         First presented at Assembly'97
                               (In the Jury Room)
                        <Hopefully on the bigscreen too>

                      (C) Copyright 1997 Brainlez Coders!
                   For complete disclaimer, read BC!LEGAL.TXT

        This is the partyversion. If we/you find any bugs, send report to
        us (sliver@dystopia.fi) and we'll try to make a fixed version.
        Also, the full (and somehow documented) sourcecode of this intro
        will be released soon after Assembly'97, look out for it.

        This version doesn't have infofiles included. If you want more info
        on us, check our WWW-page; http://final.dystopia.fi/~sliver
        Our most recent productions can be also downloaded from there.

-[WARNING, READ THIS BEFORE RUNNING!!!]----------------------------------------

        Works best with configuration like HIMEM+EMM386(+SMARTDRV+NNANSI.SYS)
        but should work with himem only.

        SB users need to have both, free XMS and EMS.
        GUS users need only XMS.
        ULTRASND and/or BLASTER environments are required to be set before
        you run this intro.

        This minidemo (intro) needs lots of processor power and doesn't want
        to be run in a computer with Windows(tm)('95) (on background) or Sound-
        Blaster card inside. Nothing against Windows or SoundBlaster, It's
        just that our player supports only DOS and has only MONO playback
        with max. 22.1Khz support for SB (2.0/PRO/16/32) - And SB player
        has been reported to suck sometimes.
        Instead of SB, use Gravis UltraSound (Classic/MAX/Extreme) to get
        some fantastic 44.1khz sounds into your ears :)

        Requires          | Recommented
        386SX/16          | P133                  (Not tested with Intel P(tm))
        VGA               | Fast VLB/PCI VGA/SVGA (Not tested with VLB)
        Conventional+XMS  | Conventional+XMS+EMS

        Supporting following soundcards:

                  ***** Gravis UltraSound       (Stereo)
                          - tested with classic, max, pnp; should work.

                    *** Sound Blaster           (Mono)
                          - tested with 1.x/2.0/pro/16/32; should work.

        Tested with following computers (and worked):
                P200Mhz MMX     GUSMAX+SBVIBRA  64mb RAM    ATI3DPRO.. 4mb
                AMDK5/166Mhz    GUSMAX 512kb    16mb RAM    S3TRIO64V+ 1mb
                AMDK5/133Mhz    GUSMAX 1024kb   16mb RAM    S3TRIO64   2mb
                I80486/66Mhz    SOUNDCARD       xxmb RAM    SVGACARD

-[Mom, I went shopping]--------------------------------------------------------

        Hellloou, this is the fifth part of our 'Design'-Saga. Welcome in.

                                History of this saga:

        30.11.1994      D-Jing (Dizain 1)
        23.02.1995      Dizain ][
        14.05.1995      Dizain 3
        23.11.1995      D-ZiKN IV

        and now, August 1997, after the pause that lasted for almost two
        years, here's Dizain part 5,

        11.08.1997      Design 5 - The Fifth try (to make a success)
                        <Dizain 5>

-[A jury member asked. "So what's the idea?"]----------------------------------

        I wanted to make something for Assembly'97, coz Assemblies has been
        a traditional party to me and my friends; We've been there since '93.
        Just after Anarchy'97 we though we will not go to Asm'97, but somehow
        we then decided to go. Two weeks of time left when I started to make
        this intro, I just had to make SOMETHING.

        Remember those little intros with chips on background and block
        every here and there?-) ok, here's one of thosE "oLdE ScEwL"
        intros from the beginning of '90s.. Looks familiar? Well it should,
        hopefully it has the same spirit those classic a500 intros used to
        have .. Nothing complex, nothing heavy stuff, just an intro to say
        "hello world, we are alive and rocking!"

        Sorry p„„ls, couldn't optimize the speed - had to optimize the size
        instead. A byte from here and there, it was quite a joy joy joy.

        Partyreport, live!
                It's friday 08/aug/1997, 06:48am, started to code the intro :)
                two hours+12minutes and we'll have to be ready to get to the
                partyplace. (3 kilometers away)

   [)(] Music by METHYL;
        Methyl promised to make a chiptune, so everything started to look
    _   clear enough to start making an intro. Music was composed with
    ³\  Scream Tracker. No packer was needed to use coz it remained small
   oÙ   enough.
   (_l  Graphics by SLIVER;
   ._|  Since there was this size-
    .-. limit and I had no idea how big was that chiptune going to be, I
    |-  decided to make only ascii graphics; Faster to make, takes less
    \/  bytes and looks all the way quite niCe. 'Graphics' are made in
    /\  TheDraw(tm). Palettes and everything related to VGA are calculated
        in the intro itself. Font was made in DP2 and converted with
        BFS-Converter to TP7 understandable format. Picture in the end
        is taken by Sliver at Anarchy'97 of Heap.

   mov  Programming by SLIVER;
    ax, Code was written with TurboPascal7.0, BECAUSE I'm still a beginner
    13h with Watcom C.. Oh, Would I start to code, even, an intro with a
   int  strange language when I have only two short weeks time, would I?-)
    10h Anyways, main reason was that I didn't know how to make smaller
    :   executables in Watcom (Except without 386 instructions) so I
    .   decided to code one more intro with TP7. Not much precalculations,
    .   only some little tables to speed it up a bit.
        That dummy "Stickman's World" imitation was real-time calculated,
        all the vertexes were moved by following some mathematical algebras.
        Actually, over half of this intro was coded during the day before
        assembly'97 began.. "gee" :)

-[Aunt Samantha, we used atleast these programs]-------------------------------

        Scream Tracker version 3.21
          (C) Copyright 1993, 1994 Sami Tammilehto

        Turbo Pascal version 7.0
          (C) Copyright 1983, 1992 Borland International

        Hacker's View version 5.60
          (C) Copyright 1991, 1997 SEN, Kemerovo

        Technical Editor version 2.61
          (C) Copyright 1988, 1991 Superiour Soft

        Dr. Teddy's 'DIET' program for files version 1.45f
          (C) Copyright 1992 Teddy Matsumoto

        TheDraw(tm) version 4.63
          (C) Copyright 1986, 1993 TheSoft Programming Services
                                   and Ian E. Davis

        Deluxe Paint ][ Enhanced version 3.0
          Deluxe Paint ][ by Dan Silva
          MS-DOS version by Brent Iverson
          Enhanced features by Steve Shaw
          (C) Copyright 1985, 1994 Electronic Arts

    *** Programs used in the compiled intro itself:

        Adrenalin ModulePlayer version 0.96
          (C) Copyright 1996 Antti Huovinen

        Brainlez Font System (BFS) version 0.2à
          (C) Copyright 1996, 1997 Brainlez Coders!

        HurttaLITE/W version 3.14
          HšRTTA graphics routines by Sliver, Heap, Myrskymakkara
          HšRTTA detection routines by Sliver
          HšRTTA other routines and system functions by Sliver
          (C) Copyright 1995, 1997 Brainlez Coders!

-[D„d, I won the competition]--------------------------------------------------

        Well, that's it. There are NO commandline parameters, just run
        INTRO.EXE and watch the show. Known bugs are with ANSI.SYS which
        comes with PC-DOS 7.0, it sometimes fucks up the "BC!" logo in
        the beginning (for some mysterious reason, can't access 50line mode
        like it should work) but that's probably because of undocumented
        DOS command I've used to output text on the screen. Tested with
        NNANSI.COM and worked fine. Another one is that something fucks
        up in exit (in user exit only <hopefully>) - it crashes, but only
        sometimes.. dunno is this one of the funny features of TP then :)

        Have fun, hopefully this woke up some memories from the earlier
        times of scene.

        - Yours, Sliver /BC! 08/Aug/1997

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