Fenomenale (TIC80) Author: Pellicus Category: 1024 Byte Intro Highend (Fantasy Console) System: Tic-80 Description: This is a TIC80 Raytracer mixing real time techniques and some precalculated parts. Love goes out to those badass demosceners who did this kind of stuff back in the great old days. You are the real phenomenal ones! especially to Phenomena's people! AMIGAAAAAaaaaaaa.... Greetings and thanks for support: Gigabates,Hedgehog, Desire's, Nahkolor's, Phaze101's, RamJam's, Darkage's people and JapoTek (run it on TIC80 with CRT Monitor On) Comments: - pakettic was used, thank you pestis! - SDF/Raymarching & dithering
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