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Vernal Festival by Limp Ninja [web]

  .___     ____ ____  ____ ________
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  ____ ____ ____ _________    _____ __________
 /   `/   //   //   /    /___/    //   --    /
# Vernal Festival

Spring equals summer.

## Credits

Code, design and music by Bruce

## Additional credits
 * CRT sound generator by Max Power
 * Music was made using [Udio](https://udio.com)
 * Uses the [Platypi](https://github.com/d-sargent/platypi) typeface by David Sargent
 * `teletext4s.ttf` from [vhs-teletext](https://github.com/ali1234/vhs-teletext)
 * Uses a modified version of [Bad Video](https://www.shadertoy.com/view/sdBSDW) by Paniq
 * Uses several models taken from https://polyhedra.tessera.li/
 * Built with [OPENRNDR](https://github.com/openrndr/openrndr)[extension.properties](..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2FDownloads%2Fghidrawatcall%2Fextension.properties)
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