Devour by Prismbeings
Devour by Prismbeings Filesize: approx. 3800 bytes Release party: Revision 2019 First known image of a prism- being. Might take several minutes to compute. Reference is about 30s on a GTX 1080Ti. Resolution is 1920 x 1080. More versions will probably be re- leased after the party. Two versions are provided due to an unknown shader issue that causes to rendering to not be- have correctly on some GPUs. The "main" version appears to work correctly on most, but the "alternative" version on others. The following tools were used: Crinkler 2.0 by Loonies and TBC Shader Minifier by LLB Code, visuals and music by: Prime Bings of Prismbeings SALUTATIONS to 0x4015 adapt alcatraz aspekt calodox collapse conspiracy dead roman drift ekspert enpera eos excess faemiyah fit hackers ivory jetlag logicoma mercury monad oo paraguay peisik quadtrip still supadupa tda traction trilobit trbl vaahtera yx
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