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Code Red BBS (2)

  _____________________________  _____________   __________________________
  \   ________\    _    /   _  \ \    _______/  _______   \    _______/ _  \
  /  /________/    |    \_   \  \/  _____)__    /         /  _____)__    \  \
 /           \     |     /   /   \          \  /   \    \/           \   /   \
/            /\         /   /    /          / /     \    \           /  /    /
\___________/  \_______/________/__________/  \______\____\_________/_______/nw

           Now I lay me down to sleep, pray the lord my soul to keep
             If I die before I wake, pray CODE RED my soul to take

                            -=/ GoD    : SPiRiT \=-
                         -=/ Co'GoD : BLaCK STaiN  \=-
                          -=/ Artists : TBM , NW  \=-
                          -=/ Coder : VirtualMind \=-  
                             -=/ 0-5 DaYSWaReZ \=-    
                           -=/ 972 - GR8 - WAREZ! \=-

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