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Core Malfunction by Elude [web]

                          ...            ...
                          ::: .......... :::
                            ..:        :..
                            :            :
                            :            :
        _______             :    ________._           _______
    _._/  _   /___._        .____\_      |/        ._/  _   /___._
    \|    / _/    |/__      |     /      |    ___  |    / _/    |/
     |_     \    _|  /______:_   /      _|____\  \_:_     \    _|
      /__________\ _//      |/__________\     _    |/__________\
    - -----diP-/   \       _|          /      \   _|-aSL-------- - 
              /_____\______\:         /___________\
                            :            :
                            :            :
                            :   elude!   :
                            : - ------ - :
                            :            :
                            :..        ..:
                          ... :........: ...
                          :::            :::

                        -  core malfunction -
               an elude contribution for riverwash 2018
programming - additional design ....... michal - KIERO - wozniak
3d gfx ................................ przemyslaw - UBIK - kuca
2d gfx - design ........................pawel - SUBSTRATE - tomas
soundtrack ............................ adam - DRAKONE - jablonowski


- FXAA by Tomothy Lottes
- Assimp library for 3d model loading (http://www.assimp.org)
- BASS for music playback (https://www.un4seen.com/)
- GLEW for opengl handling (http://glew.sourceforge.net/)
- Probably some more random parts of code

Currently does not work on AMD or Intel GPU. NVIDIA only. Sorry
Developped and tested on GTX 970 and this is minimum to have enjoyable playback

Adam's SoundCloud profile: http://soundcloud.com/drakone
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